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Minimal product quantity for collections of products

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#1 xavier



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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:57 AM

Hi, I just installed the "Minimal product quantity" module and I now have a question. I need the minimum quantity to not only be for one product but for a mix of products. For example, the customer should be able to buy 6, 12, 18 etc bottles of any wine in the shop. Can you help? Thanks! xav

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#2 vekia


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:57 AM

Hello xav,
Minimal product quantity is applicable for products and/or products' combinations.
With this module you can define rule like:
- customer must order at least 6 quantity of product A
- customer must order at least 2 quantity of some selected combination of product B
- customer can order 6,12,18,24,30 (and so on) quantity of product A
- customer must order at least 2,4,6,8,10,12 (and so on) quantity of some selected combination of product B

It is applicable to products - not to groups of products.

best regards,

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#3 xavier



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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:57 AM

Thanks for your reply. Do you offer a module that adds limits and multiples to a combination of products? So the customer can mix and match products with a minimum of 6 bottles and in multiples of 6.


#4 vekia


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:57 AM

currently i do not have a module that allows to define such conditions.
I can develop such feature but i've got some doubts - the main question i have how to identify such products that will be a part of some "pack". You want such feature based on categories?
for example:
customer must order at least 6 products from category A and cart will accept only multiplied quantity 6,12,18,24 etc of products from category A.
(customer must order 6 products from category WINE, and can place an order for multiplied quantity only)

Will this do the job? Or maybe you've got some other way to identify "pack" products in your mind?

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#5 xavier



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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:58 AM

Hi Milos,


We ship wine bottles in quantities of 6 (thats the amount of bottles that fit in a box). The customer can choose any combination of wine bottles (red, white, sparkling etc) as long as they are ordered in quantities of 6, 12, 18, 24 etc. And as you say, it will be based on categories. In this case the root category will be wine.

Let me know what you think.

#6 vekia


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:58 AM


Due to the fact that it is quite complicated to build such feature to "minimum product quantity" module i decided to add this feature to other module i have "cart conditions pro".
Cart conditions pro is an addon that allows to define various conditions related to number of products in cart, cart value, associations between products etc. There is an option to define the minimal accepted quantity of products from selected categories. With update that i released today now you can also enable option to accept only multiplied quantities :-)

screenshot for reference:
https://i.imgur.com/SOICRUo.png + https://i.imgur.com/9SZJf9g.png

and the result in cart is:

Due to the fact that you bought other module - if you will be interested i can just change your order details - so you will be able to install and use new module: "cart conditions pro". just let me know if you are interested in this new addon.

best regards,

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#7 xavier



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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:58 AM

WOW i want it of course

how to proceed?

#8 vekia


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:59 AM

just sent an email to support [at] mypresta [dot] eu
to send an email please use your email used during checkout :-)

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#9 david1



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Posted 20 March 2025 - 05:22 AM

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#10 david1



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Posted 20 March 2025 - 05:22 AM

Keep your Shopify store running smoothly with expert maintenance services. From performance optimization to security updates, we ensure a seamless shopping experience while minimizing refunds and chargebacks.