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module to send reminders do not send them - how to configure it?

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#1 gianluca



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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:29 PM

I'm sorry for the trouble, 
I bought the module to remind about comments for products but I could not configure it. 
I understand how to send emails and remind customers to leave comments.

I can not send emails when the customer buys the product. And remind the customer after 1-2 days to leave comment. 
Example: I buy the product, but it does not arrive email that says, leave a comment and you'll get a discount. 
How should we set, that after 1-2 days the product has been delivered, the customer leaves the comment, to receive the discount? 
Can you help?

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#2 vekia


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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:29 PM

Hello Gianluca,
If you need to send reminder after 1-2 days after products delivery you just need an order status status like "delivered". 
Module sends or doesn't send reminders based on order status (so you can avoid situation when module sends reminder for 'cancelled' orders). 

Firstly, please go to module configuration page and set options:
- Send comment reminder: YES
- Remind about comments after: 1 or 2 (depending on when you want to send reminder - 1 or 2 days after the purchase / order status change)
- select order status "Delivered"
Screenshot for reference: 


 - These settings will send voucher code after 1 or 2 days after you will set the order status to "delivered".

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#3 gianluca



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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:29 PM


thanks for the reply. 
OK done. But no reply to set, when a customer buys a product, does not arrive email to the customer to leave a comment to receive a discount. 
Where can I change email text in Italian?
Thanks Gianluca 

#4 vekia


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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:30 PM

I am not sure what exactly is not delivered because i am confused a little. so lets clarify.


when a customer buys a product, does not arrive email to the customer to leave a comment to receive a discount. 



When you will set module to send email after 1-2 days - module will send email with reminder with delay (not immediately) and only if:
- order status has one from the selected states
- defined time will pass (1-2 days)

So, in this case, when customer will buy product, customer will receive only order confirmation email,
email with reminder will be delivered after 1-2 days (and only if it will have selected order state)


Where can I change email text in Italian?

You can use prestashop's email translations that is available in prestashop by default.
- Go to localization > translations
- then from first dropdown select "email translations" 
- then select target of translations "core" or "theme" if you previously used it (if you used it - prestashop will use only theme templates to send emails)
- then select language (italian)

On the next page you will be able to build / change email contents that module sends to customers.

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#5 gianluca



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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:30 PM

I'm sorry I forgot to say,
Where should I enter the link that is on module configuration page?

#6 vekia


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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:31 PM



Where should I enter the link? Attach link image.



there are two possibilities:

  1. PrestaShop's default "cron" module
    Originally, cron is a Unix system tool that provides time-based job scheduling: you can create many cron jobs, which are then run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals.

    This module provides you with a cron-like tool: you can create jobs which will call a given set of secure URLs to your PrestaShop store, thus triggering updates and other automated tasks.

    this is a default prestashop addon: https://i.imgur.com/yzYlJlc.png - you can add there task: https://i.imgur.com/rYdiEmW.png - just paste the url there


  2. Hosting account "cron" feature
    In your hosting account settings (like cpanel etc.) you should have a feature called "cron", where you can run tasks.
    I am not sure what is your hosting provider, so i am unable to point you the correct fature.
    Where your website is hosted?

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#7 gianluca



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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:31 PM

it works, everything is perfect.
Only thing now, I have to change in Italian, and change the text.
I went where you pointed, but it does not change the language and the text anymore.
how can I do?
thanks Gianluca

#8 vekia


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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:31 PM



Only thing now, I have to change in Italian, and change the text.

I went where you pointed, but it does not change the language and the text anymore.



Usually the problem is related to the "soruce" of translations.
While you translate emails (and modules too) you can decide what is the source & target location of translations: https://i.imgur.com/aPwkq49.png. You can select here: "core" or "theme you currently use".

when you will select core
- prestashop's translations system will create translations inside selected module directory

when you will select theme you currently use
- prestashop's translations system will create translations inside a theme you use.

And now most important thing.

PrestaShop when it searchs for translations files (for example while shop sends emails) firstly checks "theme" directories. If translations are there - prestashop will use this source only. If translations files do not exist in theme directory - prestashop will use translations from core.

This means that if you previously created translations in "theme", all translations applied to "core" will not work anymore.  So you just need to apply your translations to your theme - only these changes will be visible.

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