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Release Of PrestaShop

Migration prestashop

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#1 Mrs Sarah

Mrs Sarah


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Posted 12 February 2018 - 08:13 AM

PrestaShop is now available. This maintenance release has seen 25 pull requests merged since version
As usual, if you are currently running promotions leading to high traffic on your website, we recommend that you wait for the promotion to end before attempting any upgrade and technical change to your store.
We hope you enjoy this new release!
The changes
For a full list of changes, see the list of pull requests merged into the 1.6.1.x branch in this milestone
Here are some of the most notable changes that this version brings:
Hide the password in the confirmation email
Fix Stock cover report stock out calculation
Fix stock available after add product in order
Fix the update product web service
Fix the blank page when no currency defined in the shop
Fix the sorting problem with a descending order in the products filtering page
Fix AdminController’s processDeleteImage() redirect after URL
Update AdminModulesController.php
… and more again!
The PrestaShop changelog is available.
Because version is a “patch” update to the 1.6.1.x branch, upgrading from that branch will be as smooth as silk for everyone: features will work better, and modules & themes which worked fine on will work just as well with
This release had 18 contributors, both from PrestaShop and from the community at large.
A huge “thank you!” to each of the 14 outside contributors, who gave their time and knowledge for the benefit of the whole PrestaShop community! You too can contribute to the next version!
Let’s go, upgrade your store(s)! Upgrading from 1.6.1.x is completely safe; upgrading from a standard 1.6.0.x version should work just as well. Those upgrading from version 1.5, 1.4 or even 1.3 should take their time and pay attention to their modules, their theme and their custom modifications!
Please do upgrade to this latest and greatest version of PrestaShop 1.6!
Download now!
Migrate data here
In case you want to migrate data from Magento to Prestashop, you can refer to this tool 

looking for the best presta addons with outstanding support? check this: PrestaShop Modules

#2 david1



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Posted 24 March 2025 - 05:34 AM

Migrating from Squarespace to Shopify can unlock greater e-commerce potential with better scalability, advanced features, and lower long-term costs. Shopify offers seamless integrations, powerful SEO tools, and a robust app ecosystem to help businesses grow effortlessly. With expert migration services, you can transfer your products, customers, and orders without downtime. Make the switch today and build a future-proof online store with Shopify.