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Fancybox products pictures in PrestaShop 1.7

module fancybox gallery mypresta

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#1 vekia


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 08:17 AM

Fancybox zoom for prestashop 1.7

(click to open official module page)


If you are user of prestashop 1.7 you probably already noticed that product pictures are zoomed with feature that is no longer responsive.

it does not allow to create also nice looking images switcher and images are really tiny (do not use max browser window size to enlarge the picture).

In old prestashop 1.6 it was just fine because 1.6 releases uses fancybox script to zoom pictures.


because of this we developed this module, it puts back fancybox gallery in your prestashop 1.7 and it supports also non-default themes!

thanks to this module your products gallery:

- will be responsive

- will zoom pictures and occupy max window size

- will create slideshow with next / prev buttons

- will add title to pictures



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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: module, fancybox, gallery, mypresta