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Magento 1 Ajax Cart Pro extention by Lumaplaza

magento1 magento extension module

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#1 lumaplaza



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Posted 31 July 2018 - 02:30 AM

Ajaxcart support add product easy on your online store

* Features:
+ The extensions has been worked to perfection, in and out.
+ Custom themes friendly
Custom Themes friendly
You can customize extension easily
The extension is designed to rely on Magento's native capabilities to maximum extent, ensuring that the module plays nicely with any other component of your Magento.
Supports all the native product types
Works with standard shopping cart
Works on Product, Category and Wishlist pages
Works on custom pages where the standard Cart controller is called
Updates all the native Cart instances (sidebar cart, top cart)
No conflicts with external plugins
- You can view more demo on magento 1.9.x in here

* Magento Editions Compatibility:
- Community: - 1.9.3
- Enterprise: - 1.14.3
- Community Magento CE 1.x.x
* Email: lumaplazavn@gmail.com
* Skype: lumaplazavn
* Demo At Here

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