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Magento 2 Limit Quantity for Grouped Products

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#1 Meetanshi


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Posted 03 December 2020 - 06:21 AM

Magento 2 Limit Quantity for Grouped Products by Meetanshi allows setting quantity limit on the purchase of grouped products for a minimum and maximum value.
Are you a Magento 2 store merchant selling grouped products such as furniture set or computer accessories? If so, obviously you'd want to maximize the profit margin and minimize the cost of packaging and shipping. Hence, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Limit Quantity for Grouped Products extension.
The extension allows admin to set a minimum and maximum quantity limit for the purchase of the grouped product. If the conditions set from the backend are not satisfied, custom error messages are displayed in the frontend.
Get Magento 2 Limit Quantity for Grouped Products module and benefit your business by implementing quantity limit for grouped products!
Benefits of Magento 2 Limit Quantity for Grouped Products extension:
  • Restrict the quantity of purchase for the grouped product for a minimum and maximum value.
  • Allows assigning different quantity limit for every grouped product from the admin panel.
  • Display custom error message for the minimum and maximum quantity limit in the frontend when the conditions for quantity are violated.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...d-products.html

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