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Why Live Chat is Important for Shopping Websites?

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#1 thomasgrey25



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 12:25 PM

Live chat software will play an important role in all kind of online business. It will provide and easy to access platform to connect with online customer and to know their requirement.


As we all know about magento, it will provide you every thing to create an attractive shopping store. To make it more effective and user friendly, I would like to suggest integration of eAssistance Pro Live chat software on it. To integrate that plugin on your shopping store you just need to create a free account at https://account.eass...om/register.php

looking for the best presta addons with outstanding support? check this: PrestaShop Modules

#2 aaryanmevada



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Posted 14 April 2015 - 06:14 AM

Yes, Store onwer to check customer requirement, any difficulties for shopping and  which location to shopping. Also customer gives feedback for online shopping to improve websites.