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Member Since 20 Sep 2019
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2019 09:20 AM

#19053 No More Right Click

Posted by jktsablon77 on 14 August 2019 - 04:16 AM

hello, my website in preastashop want to not klik right. Maybe you know how that?

#9237 No More Right Click

Posted by Mediacom87 on 15 July 2016 - 05:48 PM



to prevent right clic usage to stole your content you can see this module with all options to manage perfectly your choice and protection.



#5543 No More Right Click

Posted by NEO on 23 November 2015 - 02:17 PM

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: No More Right Click

This module allows you to dennied the use of "CRTL+C", "CTRL+V", "Right Click", "Drag adn drop". And you can exclude some users by their IP, to make it easier for your translators and administrators. Protect your content from duplication by other stores.  Video Disable : - Right click - CTRL + C - CTRL + V - CTRL + U - Drag & Drop (for content and images)