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There have been 255 items by Meetanshi (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#19941 How to Create a Custom Widget in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 October 2020 - 07:51 AM in Magento general discussions

The Magento widgets assist in better user experience and functionality of the store. Apart from these default widgets and its functionality, you may need advanced features. Creating a custom widget in Magento 2 is like developing an independent extension.
Learn how to create a custom widget in Magento 2 at https://meetanshi.co...t-in-magento-2/


#20333 How to Change Currency Symbol Position in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 06 January 2021 - 10:50 AM in Magento general discussions

Mostly, the currency symbol resides on the left side by default. During the conversation, we speak like "two euros". Aren't we? Do you want to modify the position of a currency symbol in the Magento 2 store?


#20313 How To Change Admin Login To Case Sensitive In Magento

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 January 2021 - 07:33 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento store owners cannot compromise on security. The store is completely managed from the admin panel that's why admin login should be secured.

One method that you can use is to
change admin login to case sensitive in Magento 2 and Magento 1 stores.

Check the steps to
change admin login to case sensitive in Magento 2 and Magento 1.

#20065 How To Disable Magento 2 Profiler

Posted by Meetanshi on 06 November 2020 - 05:45 AM in Magento general discussions

One can enable Magento 2 profiler to analyze the performance problems on the server-side.
However, once the speed check is done, one needs to disable Magento 2 profiler so that the frontend users are not bothered.
Make sure you do not affect the user experience by disabling the Magento 2 profiler using the method at https://meetanshi.com/blog/disable-magento-2-profiler/

#20339 How to Set Minimum Order Amount in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 January 2021 - 10:05 AM in Magento general discussions

What if I tell you, it is possible to increase average order amount by using just one method! You can encourage the customers to buy more by utilizing the default feature of Magento 2.

You need to
set minimum order amount in Magento 2 . Hence, the customers would prefer to increase the order amount to buy the goods and services.

Check the steps to
set minimum order amount in Magento 2.

#20312 How to Create Custom Form in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 January 2021 - 06:28 AM in Magento general discussions

The best way to collect the customer data is using forms. You can create many types of forms such as feedback forms, surveys, contact form, registration form, donation form, audit form etc.

Check the programmatic solution to
create custom form in Magento 2.


#19956 Magento 2 Barcode Generator

Posted by Meetanshi on 06 October 2020 - 11:15 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Barcode Generator by Meetanshi is the perfect tool to generate barcode labels and print them in pdf for the store products.
Easy order and stock management is the dream of every Magento 2 store admin. With Meetanshi's Magento 2 Barcode Generator it can be the reality!
Generate barcode labels and print them in pdf with the help of the extension. Using barcode is a great idea for business as it decreases the chance of human error, improves efficiency and accuracy, and there is no room for data entry error!
Improve the process of pricing, picking, preparing the order and managing the stock. Only with Magento 2 Barcode Generator extension.
Benefits of Magento 2 Barcode Generator:
* Supports 17 barcode types.
* The admin can set a prefix for the barcode generation
* Automated creating and assigning the barcode type product attribute. For custom product attribute for the barcode, assign it to the products from the backend.
* Option to mention the barcode print page height and width in pixels to specify the printable barcode area of the paper.
* Display the brand logo image in the barcode PDF.
* Specify the vertical and horizontal coordinated for its display in the barcode print page when uploading the brand logo image
* The admin can display and print other product attributes in the barcode layout by selecting them and specifying coordinates for each
* Generate and assign the selected barcode types to the products with "Assign Barcodes"
* Use the "Preview" button to preview the barcode label layout
* Enter the number of barcode print copies and print them in pdf using "Print Barcode" action.
* The barcode inventory helps improve the product reception, picking, order, and stock management.
* Streamlined checkout by displaying the prices for the customers.
 Checkout video tutorials: https://youtu.be/mI1petX0jHg

#20057 Magento Restrict Fake Registration

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 November 2020 - 05:00 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento Restrict Fake Registration by Meetanshi secures the store from spam registration by validating Email domains and restricting the character lengths of the first name and last name.
Spams trying to enter the store knows the best way, by creating an account! Are you worried about how to stop such activities in a Magento store? The solution is Meetanshi's Magento Restrict Fake Registration extension! It validates the Email domain and restricts the character length of the first name and last name while creating an account!
Spam accounts not only risks the store security but can also be harassment for potential customers! Hindering customer experience is not at all bearable when the competition is so intense! The only way to stop spams is by using the Magento Restrict Fake Registration module!
The module goes an extra mile and offers Google reCAPTCHA v3 from the backend for security from bots!
Benefits of Choosing Meetanshi's Magento Restrict Fake Registration
  • Restrict email domains from the admin panel to validate the account sign up process.
  • Restrict the character lengths of the first name and last name of the new user creating an account.
  • Leverage the benefit of Google reCAPTCHA to restrict bots in signing up for an account in the store.
Check the configuration guide of Magento Restrict Fake Registration by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...gistration.html

#19990 How To Create Downloadable Products in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 19 October 2020 - 12:41 PM in Magento general discussions

A downloadable product is a variation of a simple product, with a little difference in product shipping. Products are not physible and it can be download from the store with price or without price.


An example of Magento 2 downloadable product is Magento extensions, applications, games, software, music files, E-books, etc.


Learn the stepwise method to create downloadable products in Magento 2 at https://meetanshi.co...s-in-magento-2/

#20336 How To Update Product Attributes In Bulk In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 January 2021 - 06:43 AM in Magento general discussions

It would take so much time to update product attributes if you have hundreds and thousands products in your Magento 2 store. Of course, it is tiresome process.

Therefore, it is advisable to update product attribute in bulk in Magento 2 as it makes the process easier and faster.



#20133 Magento 2 Google Customer Reviews

Posted by Meetanshi on 25 November 2020 - 05:30 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Google Customer Reviews by Meetanshi enables the Google Customer Reviews Badge in the store that helps boost traffic and conversions and earn customers' trust.
Google Customer Reviews lets you collect feedback from users who’ve made a purchase from your store. Meetanshi's Magento 2 Google Customer Reviews extension integrates this Google customer reviews with Magento 2.
The extension enables to display the Google Customer Reviews Badge on your Magento 2 store. It helps visitors trust your business, hence boosting traffic and sales!
Display the customer reviews on the store frontend to guide potential customers and prompt them to make a purchase! Collect maximum reviews to flaunt them as well as learn from them to improve the store functionalities.
With Magento 2 Google Customer Reviews extension, add the Survey Opt-in in the checkout page as per the Google Customer Reviews service. Display the reviews in the badge, shopping ads or search results to enhance the online presence and boost the SEO efforts.
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Google Customer Reviews:
  • Integrates Google Customer Reviews with Magento 2
  • Display the Google Customer Reviews badge at the desired position on store frontend in the desired language.
  • Add the Survey Opt-in in the checkout page in the store. Set the estimated delivery days for the survey Email
  • Offers GTIN integration and option to map GTIN attribute.
  • Earn potential customers' trust with the help of the customers' reviews displayed on the frontend.
  • Drives traffic.
  • Increases the click-through rate and conversions.
  • Improve store performances by analyzing the collected customer reviews for free!
  • Improve the online presence and SEO of the store by displaying the reviews in the search results and shopping ads.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...er-reviews.html
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 Google Customer Reviews extension works in your store.
Note: Get a free account at Google Merchant Center. Check if the service is available in your country at Google Merchant Center Help. Setup a Google Customer Reviews program and integrate it with your store easily using the extension.

#19931 Magento 2 Instagram

Posted by Meetanshi on 30 September 2020 - 06:57 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Instagram extension integrates Instagram with Magento 2. Display Instagram images on any CMS page.
Instagram is one of the popular social media platforms. Its popularity can be an excellent medium to engage to potential visitors. Meetanshi developed Magento 2 Instagram extension to
fulfill this purpose! Integrate Instagram with Magento 2 and fetch Instagram images in the stores to create a beautiful Insta shop. 
Take the most out of your Instagram account for your business! Use Magento 2 Instagram extension to increase traffic and hence more conversions! The module enables to fetch Instagram
images, edit and display them in the storefront. It creates an impression of an Instagram shop in Magento 2 stores. Additionally, increase your Instagram followers!
To start using the module, firstly update the Instagram content via hashtags or your own username on your Magento 2 store and endorse the products with Instagram images. Moreover, you can set hotspots on Instagram images to make use of indirect marketing by setting caption with hyperlink or product feed with the hotspots. Get Magento 2 Instagram extension today and boost your sales!
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Instagram extension:
* Enable/disable Magento 2 Instagram extension from the backend.
* Enable Instagram images to display for the whole store, specific categories or specific products.
* Enter your username and authenticate your Instagram profile by adding the access token to use
the extension.
* Add multiple hashtags or use your own username to fetch images and update the Instagram
content on your Magento 2 Store.
* Make the Instagram view attractive by choosing one of the three Instagram popup views:
Caption with hyperlink, Product feed and default Insta view.
* Select username or hashtags from product edit and category section to display Instagram
images on product and category page respectively.
* Allows displaying the images from Instagram to any CMS pages of your store.
* Restrict the number of images to be displayed on the home page, category page, product page,
and Instagram page.
* Display Instagram images in product media gallery section and the product description section
of the product page.
* Also, set number of Instagram images to show on the Instagram page.
* Admin can easily fetch and update image list just with a single click.
* Admin can review, approve or delete and edit Instagram images before the display.
* Admin is allowed to delete the approved images in bulk or one by one.
* Allows editing the image details such as captions, hyperlinks, product SKUs, hotspots from
Manage Instagram Images section.
* Drag and drop pins to set hotspot positions from backend to display in frontend automatically.
* Displays Instagram images in a responsive popup.
* On hover of Instagram images on any page, likes and comments counts are displayed.
* The module automatically brings original caption to show in image popup in the frontend.
* Display hotspots on Instagram images on hover of various captions or products.
* Encourage users to follow you on Instagram for updates by displaying the Instagram profile with
follow button in image popup.
* Navigate to other Instagram images using navigation buttons on the popup.
* Use the module as an Instagram widget on any page.
* Multi-store support.
Check video tutorials at https://youtu.be/nnlixqWNQU0

#19904 Magento SMS Notification

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 September 2020 - 01:13 PM in Magento modules & themes

 Magento SMS Notification extension by Meetanshi lets admin notify customers about their Magento store activities via SMS
 Usually, SMS is preferred over Emails due to its higher response rate, read rate and easy access to mobile phones over internet connectivity! Keeping this in mind, Meetanshi developed Magento SMS Notification extension for Magento stores that allows notifying customers and admin updates via SMS text.
Magento SMS Notification is a tool helpful in improving the user experience if the store. The customer can be notified via SMS about activities such as order placed, delivered, canceled or order statuses. Keep them updated with ease using the module.
Moreover, admin can use the Magento SMS extension for himself too! Get notified about customers' activities such as new registration, order placed, etc. with an SMS.
The Magento SMS Notification is compatible with Msg91 but it can be customized for more SMS gateways compatibility, Enhance user experience and ease the admin's task with the hep of
the module.
Benefits of choosing Meetanshi's Magento SMS Notification
* Notify customers via SMS during events such as website registration, order placement or cancellation, etc.
* Admin can get notified via SMS of customers' activity by inputting the mobile number from
* Configure API settings by registering with Msg91 to get sender ID, API key and URL and select message type to be sent to customers.
* Customize SMS text for various notifications such as order placement, order invoice, order cancellation, order shipment, credit memo generation, contact inquiry and website
* Make use of system variables like order_id, first_name, etc. to prepare SMS notification texts.
* Use of default Magento registration and guest checkout form to collect mobile numbers of customers to send SMS.
* Immediately after the mobile number is registered with Magento store, SMS notification is being sent for each activity.
* Build trust and improve user experience by sending handy and quicker SMS notifications to users.
Check video tutorials at https://youtu.be/d_t5h0wfDHU

#19964 Magento 2 Custom Order Number

Posted by Meetanshi on 12 October 2020 - 06:04 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Custom Order Number by Meetanshi is a perfect tool to customize the order numbers and much useful in managing the database numbering!
Meetanshi's Magento 2 Custom Order Number extension is extremely useful in customizing the order numbers by prefixes, suffixes, alphabets, counter or any arbitrary numbers as per the business need.
The Magento, by default, has a constant pattern which is complex to follow and is a hindrance to the user-friendliness of the store. Easily manage the database with Magento 2 Custom Order Number module. Attract visitors with higher order number creating an impression of more sales in the store with the help of the module. Along with the Order number, the extension allows customizing the sales related data like invoices, shipments, credit memos etc.
Prevent revealing critical information to the competitors that can be easily figured with the default Magento order numbering system. Control the Order Number system in the Magento 2 store with Magento 2 Custom Order Number extension developed by Meetanshi.
Benefits of choosing Meetanshi for Magento 2 Custom Order Number extension:
  • Easily customize order numbers, invoices, shipments and credit memo numbers.
  • Allows specifying starting number and length of the order number.
  • Provides flexible numbering formats to use such as letters, prefixes, suffixes, date and time variables, letters etc.
  • Reset counters on a daily, monthly or yearly basis.
  • It also supports increment intervals for order numbers, for example, the increment of order number with 3 digits.
  • Random order numbering formats help to hide important business data from competitors.
  • Easily comply with local or legal requirements by customizing order numbers.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 Custom Order Number extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...der-number.html

#21354 Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration

Posted by Meetanshi on 18 June 2021 - 01:30 PM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration by Meetanshi integrates Magento 2 store with Facebook shop.

Facebook remains the top social media platform even today among the competitors and leveraging it for the business is the first thing you should do if you want to get the most out of social media platforms. To make this easy for the Magento 2 store owners, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration extension.

Synchronize the store products with the Facebook store to allow visitors to check them on Facebook. With its rich features, the extension redirects the user to Magento 2 store cart and the product is already added to the cart, making the shopping process quick!

Boost sales and gain business from the Facebook platform by integrating it with Magento 2 store using the Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration extension.

Benefits of Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration:

  • Sync Magento 2 store products with Facebook shop with ease.
  • Manually generate product CSV to upload in the Facebook store and also schedule it with a fixed frequency and start time.
  • Opt-out the products that are out of stock while generating CSV
  • Apply the catalog rules for product pricing display.
  • Set Google category for products using category ID or name based on the Google Product Taxonomy
  • Enable/disable the product display in the Facebook shop
  • Set the product condition and its details in the Facebook shop
  • Use mass action for bulk updating the Facebook product status
  • The admin can update Facebook attributes for multiple products using "Update Attributes" mass action.
  • Create default mappings for the required fields.
  • With the "Add New Mapping" button, create new attribute mapping for required and missing fields.
  • Check the "Facebook Attribute Mapping" grid for the list of required Facebook fields.
  • Add new attribute code to create the new mapping. And for that, select Facebook attribute code and the Magento attribute code.
  • Create the Facebook product feed from Facebook Business Manager.
  • Show products under "Shop" on the Facebook page.
  • Allow users to check the product and its detail in the popup or in the store itself where they are redirected to the cart with that item already added to the cart.
  • Support for Instagram tagging and shoppable Instagram for the approved regions.
  • Supports multi-store
  • The backend grid "Product Feed CSV Log" lists details of CSV generation log like start date, finished at, triggered by, product IDs, status and message.

Implementing Instagram shopping using Magento 2 Facebook Product Feed Extension:


Meetanshi’s Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration supports shoppable Instagram too.  Using your Instagram account as a store, tag the images with your products, add their details, and link it your product pages.


A shopping bag is displayed in the corner of each Insta image and a user can see the product tags on hovering over them

For more information, visit https://meetanshi.com/magento-2-facebook-store-integration.html

#19902 Magento 2 KNET Payments

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 September 2020 - 06:14 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 KNET Payments helps you integrate Kuwait's KNET Payment Gateway with Magento 2.
With increasing popularity of E-Commerce, Security in online transactions has become utmost important. Magento 2 KNET Payments Extension by Meetanshi facilitates to integrate Kuwait's KNET Payment Gateway with Magento 2 to capture secured online payments.
It is essential for your customers to know that online payment is fully secured. KNET is a popular Payment Gateway of Kuwait Country. Magento 2 KNET Payments extension enables secure payments on your Magento 2 stores. By installing this extension in your store, the customers will be redirected to KNET payment gateway for payment of their purchases.
To install and use the Magento 2 KNET Payment Integration extension in your Magento store, you must be having SSL certificate implemented.
Key features of Magento 2 KNET Payments extension:
  • Facilitates Secure payment.
  • Enables redirection to KNET payment gateway after selection of this payment method
  • Make your customer believe you as reliable and assure them safe payment methods thus benefiting your business.

Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 KNET Payment Integration extension works in your store.

For more information about Magento 2 KNET Payment Integration extension visit: https://meetanshi.co...ntegration.html

#19967 Magento 2 Guest to Customer

Posted by Meetanshi on 13 October 2020 - 07:52 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Guest to Customer by Meetanshi automates the guest to registered customers conversion after the checkout step.
Magento 2 stores are benefitted in various ways when a guest is converted to a registered customer. Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Guest to Customer extension that automates the guest user conversion to registered customers from the admin panel.
The extension allows easy registration at the store. Moreover, it helps to collect the maximum customer database that can be used for marketing purposes. This information can also be used to offer a personalized experience to the store customers.
With the Guest to Customer for Magento 2, the customers can have a quick purchase and checkout with the saved billing information. With better facilities for registered customers than guest users, win their trust and build a loyal customer relationship!
Admin can not only automatically convert guest users to customers after checkout, but also assign a suitable customer group. The customers are then notified via Email of the account credentials and the login link.
Benefits of Magento 2 Guest to Customer:
* Facilitates admin to convert guest users to registered customers after checkout.
* Assign the suitable customer group when automatically converting a guest user to registered customer.
* When a converted customer places an order with the previous guest user Email ID, the module assigns this order and all the previous orders to the new account automatically.
* Send the new account credentials and link to the login page in the notification Email to the newly converted customers.
* Select the desired notification Email template.
* Facilitate easy registration at the store.
* Collect customer data which can be used to improve the marketing efforts.

#19909 Magento 2 GDPR

Posted by Meetanshi on 25 September 2020 - 12:11 PM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 GDPR by Meetanshi is a perfect choice for compliance of EU's GDPR with Magento 2 store.
GDPR, a data protection law, applicable from May 25, 2018, affects E-commerce as the business need to be compliant with EU's GDPR law. Magento 2 stores are no exception and hence Meetanshi's Magento 2 GDPR extension proves handy to make a Magento 2 store compliant with EU's GDPR!
Magento 2 GDPR allows the data processing in the store in such a way that your business does not violate any rules of EU. Allow customers to handle their personal data in your store. Win their trust by having GDPR compliance!
Update store's privacy policy using the module. Allow customers to modify their consent to the privacy policy. Monitor all the customers' actions related to privacy policy consent and account information. 
A must have GDPR module for Magento 2 store, it offers many useful features that you can have a look at!
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 GDPR extension:
* Backend option to enable or disable the module.
* Compatibility with EU's GDPR and other legislative rules.
* Update and manage the privacy policy as per EU's GDPR.
* Customers can be notified about the updated privacy policy and at the same time as for their
consent to it.
* Privacy policy compliance on checkout and registration pages.
* The GDPR module offers separate backend grids to differentiate the details of customers who
have agreed and have not agreed with the privacy policy terms.
* Request agreement for the privacy policy of your store to users via Emails.
* Allows customers to download their personal data in form of a CSV file.
* Allows customers to request to delete the account and anonymize their data.
* Supervise the user actions related to privacy policy consent and account information.
* Export users data based on provided privacy policy consents.
Check video tutorials at https://youtu.be/7lnpgn7vhSw
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.com/magento-2-gdpr.html

#20023 How to Change Magento 2 Admin Session Time

Posted by Meetanshi on 29 October 2020 - 05:04 AM in Magento general discussions

The default Magento 2 admin session time out is set to 900 seconds, i.e., 15 minutes for the security purpose.
However, you can change Magento 2 admin session time which allows to reset the session time out as per your working pattern.
Watch the simple and short video tutorial to change Magento 2 admin session time

#20049 Magento 2 SMS Notification

Posted by Meetanshi on 03 November 2020 - 05:09 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 SMS Notification helps send SMS to customers notifying them about their activities in the store.
SMS has maintained its importance in today's world due to its features like easy access, higher response, and read rate. Magento 2 store owners who are concerned about offering better customer experience must consider SMS over Emails for various communication requirements. To aid the store owners in notifying customers about various store activities, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 SMS Notification extension.
Interact quickly with direct communication via SMS with Magento 2 store customers. Notify them about each of their store activities such as order placed or canceled, invoice generated, order shipped, registration, etc. Everything with the Magento 2 SMS Notification module!
The extension not only updates customers but also admin about the customer activities that helps in offering better service. Moreover, the customers will appreciate the timely acknowledgments about important activities such as payments received via a preferable medium, SMS.
Benefits of Magento 2 SMS Notification extension:
  • Keep your customers updated about their activities such as order placement or cancellation, invoice generation, etc. in the store.
  • Option for admin to receive the SMS notification about customers' activities with the setting to enter the mobile number in the backend.
  • The extension is easy to configure for sending the SMS to customers. All you have to do is register with SMS Gateway to get sender ID, API key, and URL and choose the message type.
  • Send custom text messages for customer activities like order placement, order invoice, order cancellation, order shipment, credit memo generation, contact inquiry, and website registrations.
  • Send SMS notification texts using the system variables like order_id, first_name, etc.
  • Send the SMS notifications to the mobile numbers that can be collected using the default Magento registration and guest checkout form.
  • Send SMS for each customer activity as soon as the mobile number is registered in the store!
  • Offer enhanced customer experience and earn their trust with an instant SMS notification facility.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 SMS Notification extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...tification.html

#20110 Magento Recent Sales Notification

Posted by Meetanshi on 20 November 2020 - 05:22 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento Recent Sales Notification by Meetanshi enables "Someone recently purchased" notification popup in real time.
Want to draw the visitors attention to your best-selling or trending products in Magento stores? The solution is Meetanshi's Magento Recent Sales Notification extension!
With the help of the module, display a "Someone recently purchased" notification popup in real time in the Magento storefront. Let the visitors know your field of expertise!
Moreover, with Magento Recent Sales Notification, admin can create an attractively designed popup using layout options, custom popup positions, custom popup background color, border color, text color, link color, and link hover color.
Benefits of Magento Recent Sales Notification:
  • Automatically show and hide popups that show details about recent orders in the store.
  • Show recent order notification popup in desktop, mobile or both.
  • Admin can place the popup at the custom desired position.
  • Admin can display orders with selected order status in the popup by selecting the order status.
  • In case, all the orders are to be displayed, select none.
  • Show the number of recent orders in the popup where 0 means display each order one after other.
  • Show details of the trending products in the customizable popup text using the system variables as it supports HTML for popup text.
  • Admin can add details like product name, product image, price, URL, customer name, region, country, time of purchase, etc. in the custom popup text.
  • Let visitors close the popup using the "close" button enabled from the admin panel.
  • Set the popup display delay time to pause the display between two notifications.
  • Offers two popup layout types: Default layout view and Image Centric view.
  • Admin can design the popup using custom popup background color, border color, text color, and link hover color.
  • Offers responsive popup.
Check the configuration guide of Magento Recent Sales Notification by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...tification.html

#19965 How to Change Admin URL in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 12 October 2020 - 07:18 AM in Magento general discussions

 The admin URL is used to access the backend of the store. It allows editing as well as manage the administrative tasks.

However, the default format of the URL, “
sitename.com/admin” is vulnerable to bots. Experts recommend to change admin URL in Magento 2.


Methods to Change Admin URL in Magento 2:
  1. via SSH
  2. Manually
  3. via Admin panel

Visit https://meetanshi.com/blog/change-admin-url-in-magento-2/ for implementation of all these methods in detail 

#19957 Magento 2 Billdesk Payment

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 October 2020 - 10:48 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Billdesk Payment by Meetanshi allows the store owner to accept secure online payments via Billdesk payment gateway in Magento 2 store.
Billdesk, an Indian payment gateway most suitable for paying or accepting recurring bills, was established in 2000. Being widely popular among Indian merchants, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Billdesk Payment extension.
The module integrates Magento 2 store with Billdesk payment gateway to securely accept the payments from the store customers via the Billdesk payment gateway.
Being the hosted payment gateway, the customers are redirected to the hosted payment page of the Billdesk where the card details are to be entered to proceed with the payments. No customers data is stored or entered in the Magento 2 store. Hence, Magento 2 Billdesk Payment extension ensures security in online payments.
Benefits of Magento 2 Billdesk Payment:
* Secure online payments
* Integration of Billdesk payment gateway with Magento 2 store
* Offers sandbox mode
* Allow the selected countries to use the Billdesk payment gateway.
* The hosted payment gateway redirects the customers to the payment gateway hosted page from the checkout page once they select this method. The card details are entered there to complete the payment.
* Display the Billdesk logo on the checkout page
* Show additional message at checkout step
* Let customers check their order details from their "My Account" section and admin can check the same from the Sales Grater than Order View backend.
Check video tutorials: https://youtu.be/E3B9UMLxAPc

#19961 How to Get Current Admin User Detail in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 09 October 2020 - 12:05 PM in Magento general discussions

There can be as many admin users as required with different level of access and roles. The various roles ensure security to the store.
There are 3 types of admin roles in Magento 2:
  • Account owner role
  • Project-level roles
  • Environment-level roles

    Methods to Get Current Admin User Detail in Magento 2:
  1. Using Block
  2. Using Object Manager


#19987 Magento 2 Call for Price

Posted by Meetanshi on 19 October 2020 - 05:33 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Call for Price by Meetanshi enables hiding the product price and replacing the "Add to Cart" with "Call for Price" button to encourage users to contact for the price details.
Many online business offer products that do not have a fixed price. It may fluctuate with time or differ based on the product personalization. Also, the store may want to decide the price based on the quantity of the order, customer group, service required, etc. Such products can't be displayed on the store frontend with a fixed price. Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Call for Price extension that offers a feature to hide the product price and replace "Add to Cart" button with the "Call for Price" button in the Magento 2 stores.
The Magento 2 Call for Price extension allows admin to interact with potential buyers as the price is not displayed and they are encouraged to communicate for the price details. It gives a chance of negotiation and hence grab the best deal possible!
Enable a "Get a Quote" responsive popup instead of price details. It allows customers to request for a quote after filling the required details which can be used to understand their requirements, improve product features and improve the marketing efforts.
Encourage customer engagement and more conversions with fewer cart abandonment using the Magento 2 Call for Price product.
Benefits of Magento 2 Call for Price extension:
  • Communicate directly with potential buyers.
  • Hide product price on the product page, category page, and the home page.
  • Hide the prices for all or specific products and categories.
  • Display a custom message instead of the product price.
  • Enable a call for price pop up form with the custom message and request to fill the necessary details.
  • No spam emails in the popup form due to Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Facilitates a backend grid with details like name, email ID, contact details, products they are interested in and their message for easy management of customers inquiry.
  • Quick reply to customers when they request for quote.
  • Supports multi-store and multi-language.
  • Disable product price display based on the store views and customer groups.
  • Supports all the default product types in Magento.
  • Display admin's email id to customers to request a call for the price.
  • Admin gets an email with the product name as its subject to notify him of the customers' interest of products.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Call for Price by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...-for-price.html