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#17544 WooCommerce 3.3 has arrived. Read on what’s new!

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 01 March 2018 - 07:00 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Since the time WooCommerce 3.0 was released on 4th April 2017, various WooCommerce users feel very happy because it brings an improved product gallery, multiple speed and performance improvements, the addition of CRUD classes and new CLI powered by the REST API as well.

Even so, the Developers at WooCommerce still do not stop the research to create more perfect products. For that reason, recently, WooCommerce 3.3 was initially launched on January 30, 2018. This promises to be a great version that makes everyone get excited to come with it.

Now, if you are curious to go to WooCommerce 3.3,

Don’t ignore our article “What’s new in WooCoommerce 3.3” to make the process as smooth as possible!


1. WooCommerce 3.3: Revamped Orders screen

First, let’s take a look at the previous version – WooCommerce 3.2!


As a current user of  WooCommerce 3.2, it’s easy to realize these problems:

  • Action icons are nearly similar, differing mainly in color, causing confusion and difficult to understand for the user
  • Showing the address here seems pointless because you cannot execute the orders without knowing anything inside.
  • Some data is not really needed: payment method, shipping method, column of notes…

Compared to the WooCommerce 3.2 versions, we can immediately notice the impressed changes in WooCommerce 3.3:

  • The design of the Orders screen has been adjusted to help users view and manage orders more easily
  • Small, hard-to-see icons are replaced with larger, obvious buttons
  • Added the ability to view of items lines and details right on the Orders screen


With this improvement, you can quickly get an overview all the information needed to process a new order without editing the order.


2. Shop display improvements: new stock status

In the Product setup page, you get a new option available called “Manage stock”.

Click on, and you can now manually update the number of stock available and give customers the option of putting an item on the backorder when out of stock (or stock levels run low).


Similar to the Update for the Orders screen, you now have a better overview of what’s happening with your Product.


How did WooCommerce 3.3 offer improved and automated Backorders handling for products with managed stock?

With the new “Stock status” update, you can manage the level of availability of goods with three levels: In stock, On backorder, Out of stock. These states are also displayed in different colors for easy identification.

When your stock levels run critical, WooCommerce 3.3 will gracefully transition from “In stock” to “On backorder” or “Out of Stock”. If you add more product into stock, it will automatically go back to “In stock”.


3. Compatibility with Non-WooCommerce Themes

Want to find a theme for WooCommerce that declared WooCommerce support for the best results?

It seems too hard?

Don’t worry… if you use the latest version of WooCommerce – WooCommerce 3.3

With the upgrading the way renders on themes, now you should be able to use WooCommerce with almost any theme from WordPress.org

If you are looking to migrate to a new interface but still have concerns about compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3, please test it before downloading. If you’re not able to do it by yourself, it’d better to reach out to the theme developer for confirmation that it will work just fine.


4. Colums and rows setting


Besides the better support for non-WooCommerce themes, you can now also customize the number of rows and columns displayed in the store. The size of the columns will automatically increase or decrease depending on your selection, so everything will be nicer and fill the available area. You can also preview how your store looks when changing settings.


5. New download logging features

WooCommerce 3.3 will include new logging download feature to track who downloads from your store.

When customers download products from your store, absolutely you can view and analyze download logs with a variety of built-in filters, including by order, by customer, by product and by item file.

  • The new WC_Customer_Download_Log class supports data storage to store records into a custom table in the database.
  • Modified how the generated download code no longer relies on the md5 hashes of the filename. This means that each download has a unique ID that can be tracked.
  • A new report lists the customer’s download list, along with information such as IP address.
  • Check the usage of the logon / download tracking functions to make them more robust.


6. WooCommerce 3.3 – Image size improvement


With this super WooCommerce vesion, now you have the ability to customize the aspect ratio of product images.

With this new update, you can place a product image as a prototype image (no cropping), a classic square image, or a custom cropped image.

Moverover, version 3.3 also has a special improvement: On the fly thumbnail regeneration. In the past when you changed the image, your WordPress product will not actually resize the image and you have to install a plugin like Regenerate Thumbnails so that WordPress resizes images for you.

Luckily, when you come up with WooCommerce 3.3, image thumbnails will be automatically regenerated on-the-fly when new product images are uploaded.


7. Feature for Developer

If you belong to WordPress Developer, be sure not to skip the last item in this article. Here are 3 main features added specifically for you:

  • Enhanced with WebHooks: Deploy CRUD design templates for WebHooks and migrate them to custom tables for better performance.
  • All new sample data has a variety of products to introduce to testers and web developers.
  • Added ability for threads to define image size and store and row column numbers using ‘add_theme_support’.


Want to upgrade to WooCommerce 3.3 right now?

That’s all about “WooCommerce 3.3 has arrived. Read on what’s new!”. In case you want to upgrade your current version to WooCommerce 3.3 and bring your store to a new level, we’d suggest you use this migration tool. It helps you switch successfully without any technical skills.

What do you think of our article? Please let us know in the LitExtension Form!

#17522 BigCommerce vs Magento - Who has a better performance?

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 27 February 2018 - 01:37 AM in Magento general discussions

BigCommerce and Magento are two of the best and most popular eCommerce platforms in the world. Choose which one to increase your sales as well as reduce the cost of operations?

A lot of people would try to answer this as impartially as possible. So to help you select the right solution for your business, we will make a comparison between two platforms.

Let’s start right away with the topic “BigCommerce vs Magento 2018 – Who has a better performance”!


1. Open source and out – of – box Magento – open source platform

As an open source platform, Magento allows its users to access source code, customize and modify it with ease. Besides, when using Magento, you have full control over the design and functionality. If you do not have an IT team, you can work with an out-source team or technology company to create your website. Just be aware that it can be pricey to maintain this type of cooperation.



Different from Magento, BigCommerce is an out-of-the-box solution. It allows you to build a shopping cart based on available themes and customizable to suit your needs without the in-house IT developer. Also, you can use many useful extensions such as product reviews, marketing or recommendations because they are part of the core product. However, as out-of-box solution, you lose control of your website.


2. BigCommerce vs Magento – Pricing Magento

The biggest advantage of open source is that it’s completely free, so you don’t have to pay a dime to use it. Just need to download the Magento, contact any software company to buy domain name to be able to start building your website.

Expenses will arise when you want to buy themes, or use other extensions and plugins. You can refer to these costs below:

  • Magento Community Edition – CE: totally FREE. Need to pay for domain maintenance and hosting, about $ 10 – $ 100.
  • Magento Enterprise Edition – EE: Domain, hosting and license fee (about 20.000$/year). Need to hire a Developer: from $ 10 – $ 20 per hour.
  • Themes/Additional features: solid price point is around $50 to $100.


What about BigCommerce?

BigCommerce has 4 pricing plans: Standard, Plus, Pro and Enterprise.


This pricing policy aims to meet the needs of small to medium enterprises as well as big companies. Below is detailed information:

  • Standard Package – $29.95/mo: offers you all the basic features including unlimited products, unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth and accepts credit cards & PayPal.
  • BigCommerce Plus – $79.95/mo: provides all standard features plus: No transaction fees, real – time carrier shipping, best-in-class-payment providers, abandoned cart saver, omni-channel sales tools, advanced customer segmentation, checkout hosted on your domain, 1.5% transaction fee.
  • Pro plan – $249.95/mo: Includes a comprehensive set of features: Google customer reviews, Faceted search (product filtering) and Custom SSL
  • Enterprise – Call BigCommerce for a quote: includes all plus features and: Custom facets (product filtering), Unlimited API Calls, Premium account services, express routing, priority support, and strategic account management available.
  3. List of features

One of the most important reasons for your decision of choosing a platform or not, that is the number of features are provided. Below is a table comparing the core feature between BigCommerce and Magento, based on 5 criteria: Inventory management, a Number of themes and extensions, security, multi-store and SEO options.

  4. Ease of use

To be honest, it is quite hard to create an online store based on MagentoMagento is by no means a platform for beginners. So you should consider carefully, it’s better to hire an adept developer if you are limited to technical knowledge. Magento communities also provide a lot of documentations and supports should also be helpful for you in the process of finding out.

BigCommerce, on the other hand, is one of the simplest ways to manage and create your shopping cart. Going through the platform is almost intuitive and even if you have slight problems, you can always ask around in its forums or call up the support for advice.

  Don’t hesitate to share

BigCommerce and Magento – What is your choice? Please let me know by contacting us at LitExtension Form.

If you enjoyed this article, I would be really grateful if you could share it using the button below!

#17482 Advantage of Magento for your e-commerce website you must know

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 12 February 2018 - 10:49 AM in Magento general discussions

Thank you for the information. By the way, if you want to migrate data from any platform to Magento, I'd love to introduce Litextension's data migration service: http://blog.litexten...ories/magento-2
Hope useful information to you! 

#17480 Release Of PrestaShop

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 12 February 2018 - 08:13 AM in PrestaShop performance

PrestaShop is now available. This maintenance release has seen 25 pull requests merged since version
As usual, if you are currently running promotions leading to high traffic on your website, we recommend that you wait for the promotion to end before attempting any upgrade and technical change to your store.
We hope you enjoy this new release!
The changes
For a full list of changes, see the list of pull requests merged into the 1.6.1.x branch in this milestone
Here are some of the most notable changes that this version brings:
Hide the password in the confirmation email
Fix Stock cover report stock out calculation
Fix stock available after add product in order
Fix the update product web service
Fix the blank page when no currency defined in the shop
Fix the sorting problem with a descending order in the products filtering page
Fix AdminController’s processDeleteImage() redirect after URL
Update AdminModulesController.php
… and more again!
The PrestaShop changelog is available.
Because version is a “patch” update to the 1.6.1.x branch, upgrading from that branch will be as smooth as silk for everyone: features will work better, and modules & themes which worked fine on will work just as well with
This release had 18 contributors, both from PrestaShop and from the community at large.
A huge “thank you!” to each of the 14 outside contributors, who gave their time and knowledge for the benefit of the whole PrestaShop community! You too can contribute to the next version!
Let’s go, upgrade your store(s)! Upgrading from 1.6.1.x is completely safe; upgrading from a standard 1.6.0.x version should work just as well. Those upgrading from version 1.5, 1.4 or even 1.3 should take their time and pay attention to their modules, their theme and their custom modifications!
Please do upgrade to this latest and greatest version of PrestaShop 1.6!
Download now!
Migrate data here
In case you want to migrate data from Magento to Prestashop, you can refer to this tool 

#17462 Upgrade to Magento 2.2 and bring your store to a new level?

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 06 February 2018 - 05:10 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento is a corportate – level eCommerce platform tailored to web development professionals and large online store. Since the final version of Magento 2.2 was launched on September 26, 2017, a lot of users are curious to switch from their current versions to Magento 2.2.

Magento 2.2 provides a bunch of enhanced feature such as nice design, easy to customize as well as amazing functionality improvements.

Like many others, you believe that upgrading to Magento 2 will bring your store to a new level. Good for you! But where is the easiest and most effective way?

Do not skip the article below!

1. What’s new feature in Magento 2.2?

A lot of waiting, the new version of Magento – Magento 2.2, fulfills our expectations with great changes in features as well as speed.

In this article, Carmigration will share with you the most outstanding features of Magento 2.2 Enterprise Edition (EE) and Magento 2.2 Community Edition (CE)

Below is a quick summary:

Magento 2.2 EE Features

  • New B2B feature set;
  • Enhanced Reporting;
  • Better Fraud Protection
  • Improved Security
  • Enhanced Developer Experience;
  • Mass Upgraded Technology Stack
  • New Deployment Process
  • Better Performance: Improved Indexing, Cart, and Cache operations.

Magento 2.2 CE Features:

  • Improved Security
  • Enhanced Developer Experience;
  • Mass Upgraded Technology Stack
  • New Deployment Process;
  • Better Performance: Improved Indexing, Cart, and Cache operations

After that, you are looking for the easiest way how to upgrade to Magento 2.2 version?

Go on to the next heads!

2. Data can be migrated during the Magento 2.2 upgrade

During the upgrade, the migration of data from the older version to a new one is extremely important.

This is a complex and difficult process that no one can do exactly by hand. Typically, most of Magento users often use a Migration tool to convert data automatically.

Below is a list of the data can be converted during the upgrade:



  • SKU, Name, Description, Qty, Stock Status, Model, Weight …
  • Base Image, Additional Images
  • Base Price, Special Price
  • Assign to Product Categories
  • Options (Size; Weight, Color …)
  • Extra Fields ( Checkboxes, Dropdownlist, Radiobuttons)
  • Variants: can be grouped with related variants together to form a product
  • Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
  • Currencies


  • Name, Description, Base Image, Additional Images


  • ID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, DOB, Address …
  • Customer Password (*)


  • ID, Order products, Product price, Qty, Date, Status, Discount price …

SEO URLs (*)

  • Migrate Products and Categories SEO URLs
  • Migrate 301 SEO URLs of categories and products


  • Custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders


  • Customers Name, Rating, Review, Status …


  • Tax rules, Tax rates, Product tax classes …


  • Name


3. How to perform the Magento 2.2 upgrade?

Maybe you know a lot of ways to complete your Magento 2.2 update, but as below, using migration tool for this task is the easiest and most efficient method. This tool allows you not only to transfer your eCommerce data to Magento 2.2 store automatedly, but also to upgrade your current store successfully with no programming skills!


Now, let’s get started! 

Step 1: Download Magento Migration tool

It’s very easy to find which tool is suitable, but this is Top 3 Best Magento migration tools I especially recommend for you. Check it now before it’s gone!

Top 3 Best Magento Migration Tools

Step 2: Back up your database

In this step, you should make sure you have a recent and clean backup. Besides, don’ forget to check the versions release notes to see what changes have been made.

Step 3: Perform full the Magento 2.2 upgrade

There is a lot of information that you must complete in this step which are source and target store information, language mapping, order status mapping, entities to migrate and other additional options.

Then, click “Start migration” button to launch of full the Magento 2.2. upgrade.

Step 4: Enjoy your new Magento store

#17453 How to migrate from AbanteCart to WooCommerce?

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 05 February 2018 - 10:13 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

The essence of LitExtension products focuses on their friendliness to users, which means that every shopping cart owners, even who has little knowledge of technology, can follow guidance and migrate data from AbanteCart to Woocommerce easily. You are advised that need not to consult any other sources except this understandable step-by-step guide below.

1. Preparation

For AbanteCart Store:

  • Please ensure you have the right permission to upload files into your AbanteCart Store.
  • It must not block access from Woocommerce Store to the connector.
  • AbanteCart Store can operate normally during migration as it requires a very limited resource for the process.

For Woocommerce Store:

  • Woocommerce Store should be placed in a stable hosting or in localhost.
  • PHP Curl must be enabled.
  • PHP Fopen (allow_url_fopen) must be On.
  • It also must not block connection to AbanteCart Store.
  • Webserver (mostly apache) should have full permission to write on /wp-content/uploads/ folder.
  • It is strongly recommended to backup Woocommerce Store first.
2. Setup

2.1. Download Migration Tool
After downloading the product zip file from our Store, please extract it into a folder. The Plugin consists of two main parts: Woocommerce Data Migration Plugin (“lecartmigration” folder) and AbanteCart Connector (“woocommerce_connector” folder)

2.2. Woocommerce Data Migration Plugin Setup

Woocommerce Data Migration Plugin is a Woocommerce Plugin which acts like a hub at Woocommerce side to receive data and import it into Woocommerce database. It can be installed just like all other Woocommerce Plugins:

  • Using your FTP software, upload the folder “lecartmigration” to your /wp-content/plugins
  • Log in to your WordPress Admin panel.
  • Go to : Plugins
  • Find plugin “Cart Migration”
  • Click “Activate”


2.3 Install Connector for CubeCart 
Extract “woocommerce_connector” into AbanteCart root folder. After finished please make sure Connector can be reached at: http(s)://yourstore.com/woocommerce_connector/connector.php


You will get a message “Connector Installed” once it is installed properly. If you have any problem reaching the link please ensure you have htaccess configured correctly and the file has execution permission. For security, please open connector.php, find this very first line:

define(‘LECM_TOKEN’, ‘123456’);

And change “123456” to another string, this will be used to enter to the Migration Form (Cart Token) and acts like “password” to prevent unauthorized data access to your CubeCart store.


  3. Migration Plugins Setup

Migration Plugins are purchased and setup separately. They will provide additional functionalities to the tool. Normally plugins need to be customized and tweaked by LitExtension Team to fit customers requirements and will be sent to customers later on. There are a few types of plugin:

  • Products and Categories SEO Urls Plugin: helps migrate Products and Categories urls. Old urls will be saved in WooCommerce Store and will be maintained to keep all current SEO ranking you have built up for years.
  • Custom Fields Plugin: help migrate custom fields from AbanteCart Store to WooCommerce Store. This is useful in case customers have customized their store, for example: adding fields to database tables, and also want to migrate these fields into WooCommerce Store.
  • Customer Password Plugin: special plugin which adds the ability to read passwords encrypted by AbanteCart Store to WooCommerce. All passwords are migrated over and remains encrypted, customers can login to the new shop right away without the need of resetting passwords. To install, please Click Here or have a look at the read_me.txt in the Customer Password Plugin package

To install plugins, just copy plugin files into the instructed folder inside your Woocommerce store. New functionalities will be enabled.

4. Enter license key

License Key is an encoded string which comes with your download package. This key is required to activate your Migration Tool.

After purchasing the product, please login to our store and enter “My downloadable products” section. Here you will find download link and license key for the download package.


Login your Woocommerce Store backend, select Litextension > Settings, and copy and paste your license key here:


5. Migration

Please login your Woocommerce Target Store backend, select Litextension > Cart Migration. The migration will go through 3 simple steps. Just hit “Next” when you finish one step to advance.

5.1 CubeCart Configuration

Fulfill information in the setup table:


  • Cart Type: Choose ‘AbanteCart’
  • Cart URL: Your AbanteCart URL
  • Token: The token string which has been configured in connector.php

5.2 Migration Configuration


  • Languages Mapping: Pick the language to be mapped into Woocommerce default language.
  • Orders Status Mapping: Assign AbanteCart order statuses to proper Woocommerce Store order statuses.
  • Entities to Migrate: select all entities to migrate or just a part of them.


Additional Options:

  • Migrate recent data: if you choose this option, it will migrate new data only. Supposed you have just finished a full migration from your current AbanteCart to Woocommerce, after that AbanteCart store is still live and continue getting new data, and you want to get your Woocommerce updated with the new data, select this feature to avoid starting over again.
  • Clear current data on Target Store before Migration: if you choose this option, all current products, categories, manufacturers, customers, orders, product reviews, taxes will be cleared.
  • Migrate categories and products SEO URLs: if you choose this option, old SEO urls of source will be preserved in Woocommerce Store, allowing you to maintain your Pagerank.
  • Transfer images in product descriptions to Target Store: download all images in product description into your store so that it won’t have to refer back to your AbanteCart or anywhere else for images.
5.3 Migration

The migration will take place automatically in this final step. In order for it to progress, you should not close your browser of remove AbanteCart Connector. Information shows in this step:

  • AbanteCart: AbanteCart base url you have entered in Step 1, this url will be registered with your license.
  • Entity limit: the limit associated with your license. To change this value, you need to upgrade/purchase another license code.
  • Tips slider: handly tips you should know
  • Migration progress: show current progress
  • Console: show debug information.
  • After the migration is completed, click on “Clear Transient” to finish.


That’s all about migration process which can be carried out yourselves. Technical knowledge and skills are not necessary to use LitExtension shopping cart migration tools. Hope that with this detailed guide and attached video, online store owners don’t hesitate to try our live demo and decide to use our AbanteCart to WooCommerce migration tool– optimized solution for your online business.

Source: blog.litextension.com

#17412 Migration from Squarespace to Shopify ?

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 31 January 2018 - 03:58 AM in Magento job offers & services

Try Litextension, it’s the migration service, that imports products, categories together with the category structure, orders, customers and manufacturers to the shopping cart you need. The process is automated and takes only several hours. One its disadvantage is the price, but still, I think the service is worth the sum.

Try demo: http://litextension....-migration.html

#17411 Import data from CSV to Prestashop with Litextension: Hit the nail on the hea...

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 31 January 2018 - 03:21 AM in instalacja, aktualizacje PrestaShop

In recent years, Prestashop user number has upgrade trend which increase day-to-day, including users migrate from another cart. LitExtension in last times shared you many ways to migrate from current cart to Prestashop effectively and we are happy to receive positive feedbacks from customers. To response this appreciation, we introduce you all guys an optimal guidance for who want to import CSV files to Prestashop.


You can definitely export data from Source store to CSV file then import them to Prestashop manually, if you are expert and confident in your skills. Two steps for this way:

  1. Exporting database of Prestashop to CSV files.
  2. Select data in CSV files of source store and filling to CSV Prestashop.

Even though there are so many video tutorials or textual instructions, following this way is not easy. It is the popular for importing, but the ability to face to problems is pretty high, such as: confusing when migrating, lose data or copy data, etc. These errors can be resolved swiftly, or not. So this way is said to be risky and dangerous.

Litextension released the ultimate solution for this migration, called Prestashop migration services. Save time and budget when using it within steps below:

  1. Register at http://litextension.com/contacts/
  2. Send us your CSV files at contact@litextension.com and provide target store FTP, backend URL, admin account
  3. Think to do interesting things in short migration time.

You can believe completely in our service which is tested and highly appreciated by lots of customers:

  • Work with all CSV files structure, No need structured properly.
  • No need technical knowledge.
  • No data missing
  • No data duplication
  • Keep all tables relationship after importation

#17399 How will Prestashop affect my website’s SEO-ranking?

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 29 January 2018 - 10:53 AM in Module und Templates, kostenlose und kostenpflichtige Lösungen

I have 3 websites which are made in PHP and I want to migrate them to Magento. But I'm not sure how this will affect my SEO-ranking. The URLs will be the same, I will rewrite them. Can anyone advise me something?

#17397 BigCommerce vs. Magento – Who has a better performance?

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 26 January 2018 - 10:34 AM in Magento general discussions

BigCommerce and Magento are two of the best and most popular eCommerce platforms in the world. Choose which one to increase your sales as well as reduce the cost of operations?

A lot of people would try to answer this as impartially as possible. So to help you select the right solution for your business, we will make a comparison between two platforms.

Let’s start right away with the topic “BigCommerce vs Magento 2018 – Who has a better performance”!


1. Open source and out – of – box Magento – open source platform

As an open source platform, Magento allows its users to access source code, customize and modify it with ease. Besides, when using Magento, you have full control over the design and functionality. If you do not have an IT team, you can work with an out-source team or technology company to create your website. Just be aware that it can be pricey to maintain this type of cooperation.



Different from Magento, BigCommerce is an out-of-the-box solution. It allows you to build a shopping cart based on available themes and customizable to suit your needs without the in-house IT developer. Also, you can use many useful extensions such as product reviews, marketing or recommendations because they are part of the core product. However, as out-of-box solution, you lose control of your website.


2. BigCommerce vs Magento – Pricing Magento

The biggest advantage of open source is that it’s completely free, so you don’t have to pay a dime to use it. Just need to download the Magento, contact any software company to buy domain name to be able to start building your website.

Expenses will arise when you want to buy themes, or use other extensions and plugins. You can refer to these costs below:

  • Magento Community Edition – CE: totally FREE. Need to pay for domain maintenance and hosting, about $ 10 – $ 100.
  • Magento Enterprise Edition – EE: Domain, hosting and license fee (about 20.000$/year). Need to hire a Developer: from $ 10 – $ 20 per hour.
  • Themes/Additional features: solid price point is around $50 to $100.


What about BigCommerce?

BigCommerce has 4 pricing plans: Standard, Plus, Pro and Enterprise.


This pricing policy aims to meet the needs of small to medium enterprises as well as big companies. Below is detailed information:

  • Standard Package – $29.95/mo: offers you all the basic features including unlimited products, unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth and accepts credit cards & PayPal.
  • BigCommerce Plus – $79.95/mo: provides all standard features plus: No transaction fees, real – time carrier shipping, best-in-class-payment providers, abandoned cart saver, omni-channel sales tools, advanced customer segmentation, checkout hosted on your domain, 1.5% transaction fee.
  • Pro plan – $249.95/mo: Includes a comprehensive set of features: Google customer reviews, Faceted search (product filtering) and Custom SSL
  • Enterprise – Call BigCommerce for a quote: includes all plus features and: Custom facets (product filtering), Unlimited API Calls, Premium account services, express routing, priority support, and strategic account management available.
  3. List of features

One of the most important reasons for your decision of choosing a platform or not, that is the number of features are provided. Below is a table comparing the core feature between BigCommerce and Magento, based on 5 criteria: Inventory management, a Number of themes and extensions, security, multi-store and SEO options.

  4. Ease of use

To be honest, it is quite hard to create an online store based on MagentoMagento is by no means a platform for beginners. So you should consider carefully, it’s better to hire an adept developer if you are limited to technical knowledge. Magento communities also provide a lot of documentations and supports should also be helpful for you in the process of finding out.

BigCommerce, on the other hand, is one of the simplest ways to manage and create your shopping cart. Going through the platform is almost intuitive and even if you have slight problems, you can always ask around in its forums or call up the support for advice.

#17396 Happy Weekend – 20% OFF

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 26 January 2018 - 10:32 AM in Migration to Magento

This weekend we will come back with an attractive discount program for all clients – “HAPPY WEEKEND”. If you are planning to move your website to a better ecommerce platform, please do not ignore this singular chance.

For details:

Please use this code to get 20% discount: VIETNAMU23

Importantly, please don’t forget that the promotion will just be valid from January 27, 2018 till January 28, 2018 (UTC+7).

For further details, please contact us at http://litextension.com/contacts/ to experience our products and services.

#17386 PrestaShop vs Magento – Comparison

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 25 January 2018 - 09:37 AM in Magento SEO

PrestaShop and Magento – Making the decision between them has never been an easy task.

Obviously, Magento & Prestashop are the top most ecommerce platforms globally, empower more than 5,00,000 successful businesses today. Each one has its own advantages and unique features.

To help you make the right decision, now I compare the Magento and Prestashop throughout 3 important straits:

  • Design Options
  • Price and extra costs
  • Customer support

Read on this article so you can pick the one is best for you!

1. PrestaShop vs Magento – Design Options Magento

As the biggest eCommerce platform, Magento provides many extremely beautiful themes. Especially when Magento Connect was replaced by Marketplace, design options in Magento are all friendly, easy to customize and responsive design to any devices.

Currently, there are 13 free themes available in Magento Marketplace. You can find both free and paid templates. The price for any theme starts from $29.00.

Besides, if you want to create an online store more professionals and more advanced, you can find on ThemeForest or Template Monster and prepare a little money for which you love.

What about PrestaShop?

According to the official MarketPlace of PrestaShop, currently there are more than 1500 templates are available.

PrestaShop brings up lots of choice of customizable e-commerce themes. All models of Prestashop are generally high standards, beautiful looks and its various front-end features make it easy shopping for customers.

Like Magento, if you come up with PrestaShop, there are many templates developed by other 3D parties. However, the price of PrestaShop certified partners start at around $ 59.99.


2. Pricing and extra costs

Absolutely, Magento and PrestaShop are all open – source and it’s FREE. However, depending on your need, there will be some types of costs. What are you willing to pay for?

Let’s compare “pricing and extra costs” between Magento and PrestaShop!


Magento offers 2 options; Magento CE (Community Edition) and Magento EE (Enterprise Edition).

When you come with Magento CE, it is free for you to download, install and use. In addition, you don’t need any monthly subscription. Frankly, Magento CE is very affordable for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

If your business is larger, Magento EE or Enterprise Edition is perfect. Pricing depends on the size of your business. To get a specific price, you must contact Magento Contact to request a quote.

If you use Magento, whether Magento CE or Magento EE, you’re also going to have to pay for hosting.

Besides, as your business development process, you need to install any plugin for your site which requires you to have to pay extra costs.


As Magento, PrestaShop is totally free to download and use.

However, even if you just need a simple website, Hosting costs are required.

In most case, users are usually in needed in installing additional extensions or using some advanced services, they can be charged anything.


  3. Customer support Magento

It is indeed deeply great if you are a Magento user, because you will be worried anymore if something goes wrong.

The Magento Forum, with hundreds of thousands of members, along with thousands of different useful topics, provides you with worth information which helps you to solve your problems swiftly.

Not only that, here you can post any problems you encounter, and wait for the experts and members to respond quickly.

Magento is an open source platform, almost question is answered. However, users of paid Enterprise Edition, may count on Magento provided technical support. It will help to avoid searching answers in Magento Forum of Community threads.


Different from Magento and some open source platforms, users of PrestaShop have to pay for customer support services.

There are various support packages and their price is quite high. The lowest package is $ 249 per month for 3 hours, or $ 399 per year for minimum 1 year subscription.prestashop-pricing.png


That’s all about “PrestaShop vs Magento – Which is better?”. To be honest, Magento is quite more popular and also has more outstanding characteristics than PrestaShop.

If you want to switch PrestaShop to Magento, I recommend you to use this tool. Click HERE for Free Demo.

Source: Blog.litextension.com

#17385 4 Reasons To Upgrade To Magento 2.x

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 25 January 2018 - 09:17 AM in Migration to Magento

Magento is an eCommerce software solution that allows users to create and manage successful online stores and manage their business easily.

According to the Alexa report, Magento is ranked #1 out of 384 E-commerce Platforms technologies, powers more than 15.000 websites.

One of the reasons that make Magento becomes more and more popular because of its wonderful upgrades in the new version – Magento 2.x.

So today we have pulled together a list of what we see as the 4 Reasons to upgrade to Magento 2.x, which will be the most beneficial to the store owners, partners as well as developers.

Let’s get started!

1. Enhanced Performance

I think almost users of Magento 1 all have the same expectation: wish the time to load a page is faster.

Absolutely if a buyer visit your online store to buy something, they seem to leave your site if the page load time is too long.

Fortunately, Magento 2 was designed keeping performance in mind. It shows content faster, so users will not have to wait to load the entire page to see the main content. Page load time in Magento 2 is faster than Magento 1 by 20%, from 30% to 50%.

These improvements result allow you to focus your efforts on other areas such as improving the user experience and site conversions. You can recognize clearly that Magento 2 can handle 39% more orders every hour with 66% faster add-to-cart times than Magento 1.

2. Friendly and Visual Admin Panel

The new Admin Panel of Magento 2 is very friendly and easy – to – use for almost users, even you are a newbie. Magento 2.x was designed to help minimize the time managing an online store.


  • Admin Panel Interface

Different with Magento 1.x, the new admin panel of this version allows you to control all components on the site admin simply. In addition, you can search information and efficient store management quickly than before.

  • Dashboard

It displays all of the information include lifetime sales, average order, last orders,.. . You can  totally manage your business situation at the present time. Here you can also see customers, sales, numbers, best sellers …

  • Products

The new product creation toolbar allows you to upload new products easily. Moreover, you can insert a video’s link videos into your products page.

  • Customer

One more things that makes I fall in love with Magento 2 is:

Customize the order or customer management framework as I like without contact to the Magento Support Team.

3. Inclusion of the latest technologies

Magento 2 uses the most modern versions of technologies including P.H.P 5.4, Mysql version 5.6, Zend Framework 1.x, Javascript: jQuery and HTML5 và CSS3. With the help of innovative technologies, it not only helps users achieve improved performance, more security features but also better sales.

4. Useful extension

Magento Marketplace has replaced Magento Connect, which provides a lot of useful extensions monitored specifically by the team at Magento. Any extensions have to go through a strict code quality review and be approved by Magento before they can appear in the Marketplace.

Two of the most popular payment platform are PayPal and BrainTree also integrated into Magento Market Place. It will make the checkout process is more convenient than Magento 1.

Here are 4 important reasons that most of users want to switch from Magento 1 to Magento 2. If you are using an outdated version of Magento, I recommend you to upgrade to Magento 2.x as soon as possible.

Hope this article will be helpful for you.

If you have any question about topic “Upgrade from Magento 1 to Magento 2”, don’t hesitate to contact us right now!


#17372 Hire Magento Certified Developers At Affordable Cost in US, UK , Canada

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 22 January 2018 - 10:52 AM in Magento job offers & services

We provide data migration service between shopping carts. Look forward to cooperating with your company. Certainly, our benefits to our partners are not small.

#17370 Magento dev team

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 22 January 2018 - 10:48 AM in Magento job offers & services

We provide data migration service between shopping carts. Look forward to cooperating with your company. Certainly, our benefits to our partners are not small.

#17369 Magento vs Shopify

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 22 January 2018 - 10:39 AM in Magento general discussions

I want you to read this comparison article: 

Magento vs Shopify 2018 comparison – Which is the absolutely best? 1. Magento vs Shopify – Core Features Basic online function

One of the most critical important that you should consider when selecting an eCommerce platform is how many features it has own.


Both provide the excellent function, but Magento seems to be a little more outstanding than Shopify. As can be seen from the pie – chart, Magento accounts for 53.5%, both account for 43.1%, whereas only modest 3.4% with Shopify.

Inventory management

Both Magento and Shopify allow you to manage the number of inventories available in your stock.

One thing that you can’t ignore! You should be careful when adding too many products in the Magento Dashboard because the Hosting, VPS & Server as well as loading – time can be affected.

That is the reason why you need a proper structure and a long-term plan as your business growth and change.

It’s not a matter with Shopify! It has a very smart storage and management solution which is more appropriate.


Shopify and Magento offer abundant themes and templates to give your online store a look to suit your products and brand awaness. Magento provides around 120 themes, including free and paid (from only 1$) theme. It is clean, friendly and beautiful. Keep in mind that not all of them are vetted for quality, so Shopify is often a safer bet.

App and Add-ons

If we settle a discuss about “App and Add-ons”, Magento absolutely are preferred over Shopify.

By the end of June 2016, the Magento Extension marketplace had more than 9,486 extensions, while Shopify had a mere 539. This is probably the advantage of an open source environment for Magento, where the programmers and developers can contribute and create many tools on the platform with inspiration and enthusiasm as well.

Multi-lingual capacities

If you are planning to create an eCommerce website that not only serves your local customers but also expands in more than one language, I think you will be having a hard time with Shopify. This platform does not allow you doing it directly, you have to create multi – language function through but an additional third party application.

Different from Shopify, Magento offers full this function directly with more in-built multi-lingual support.

Blogging functionality

It’s simple as ABC to create Blog with Shopify platform. It has a built – in function that allows it users build a blog easily. While with Magento, you have to install a free Plugin into it and some complicated set up.

2. Magento vs Shopify – Which one is easier to use?

Which platform is easier to use, easier to set up, and easier to change? Let’s make a comparison between them!

User interface

Both platforms have an friendly user interface and control panel with a well – designed and thought – out. And Shopify is winner it comes to usability.

Setup / Installation

Shopify has a Wizard mode, allowing users to set up an online store quickly and simply. Basically, you can create an ecommerce site in only 1 minute.

In contrast to Magento, the installation process is not easy and you can hardly do it by yourself without any programming knowledge.


Magento is an open source platform so it is more flexible. You can change the way you want, edit, customize as well as add new features.

Shopify is a closed platform, so you cannot change source code. But you can still develop applications for this source code and sell them by launching that product to the App Store.

3. What about support?

Shopify provides you 24/7 support at any time. You can contact to support department via phone, email or (and) livechat on their homepage. In addition, Shopify technical support team is very intelligent and quality, they can give you a right answer immediately for any questions.

Unlike Shopify, Magento does not offer an excellent support, so you need to fix your problem by yourself. However, Magento is one of the platforms with a large and quality community, so you will definitely get the support from Developers and Magento users.

4. Pricing Setup cost

With Shopify you do not need to pay any extra cost for setup. At the same time, they also offer 14 days FREE trial to help you test feature and function before making a purchase.

Magento Commercial version also does not cost you any more for a setup. However, in case you are lack of technical skills, it’s better to hire a Developer create an online store for you.

Thus, you need to pay for hosting and domain purchase. Don’t forget! Without these two, your Website will not run.

Monthly cost

Shopify has 4 different packages depending on your needs. As follows:

  • Shopify Lite – $ 9 / month – the lowest package. Allow you to set up a shop affiliate features on Facebook
  • Shopify Basic – $ 29 / month – offers the most basic features
  • Shopify – $ 79 / month – provides the most common features you need
  • Shopify advanced – $ 299 per month – offers more advanced features


Moreover, Shopify also offers a special package for business customers – Shopify Plus.

  • Magento Community Edition (Magento CE) is totally FREE, you only need to pay for domain maintenance and hosting, about $ 5 – $ 100 depending on your needs.
  • Magento Enterprise Edition (Magento EE): starting at $ 2,000 per month, and you also need to hire a Developer.

Bandwidth charge: Shopify does not charge for bandwidth usage, while Magento depends on the Hosting provider. If you are planning to use Magento, you should choose a company that provides an unlimited bandwidth.


Magento vs Shopify, which is absolutely best?

Shopify is a great solution, very easy – to – use. It provides you a hosted and fully managed service that you don’t need to bother much about technical service any more.  The disadvantage of this platform is closed-source, you can’t change much in source code as well as poor application repository.

As an open source platform, Magento is FREE, flexible and good support. You can control, manage and build your eCommerce website as the way you want. It also provides a rich App & Add – ons and good responses from the community. However, if you don’t have any technical knowledge, it’s very hard for you to create a store by yourself.

With personal perspective, I prefer Shopify. What about you? What do you think about “Magento vs Shopify comparison”? Please leave a comment below!

If you have any question, please feel free to Contact Us as soon as possible!

(source: http://blog.litexten...ich-is-better/)

#17341 Πρέπει να οικοδομήσουμε ένα σχετικά βασικό ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 19 January 2018 - 08:18 AM in PrestaShop ενότητες και θέματα, δωρεάν και επί πληρωμή.

Γεια σε όλους, Πρέπει να οικοδομήσουμε ένα σχετικά βασικό ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα. Γνωρίζω τώρα ότι το Magento είναι περισσότερο για μεγάλα καταστήματα, ώστε να το αράξουμε κάτω από το Shopify ή το OpenCart. Οποιοσδήποτε έχει οποιαδήποτε σκέψη για το εάν είτε είναι πραγματικά καλύτερο και αν ναι γιατί; Σας ευχαριστώ όλους.

και, μπορείτε να μου δώσετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις επεκτάσεις του Opencart;


#17317 Hjelp til å oppdatere min nåværende versjon av Magento

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 16 January 2018 - 08:25 AM in Installasjon og oppdatering av PrestaShop

Min versjon av Magento er 1,9 og jeg må oppdatere den til den nyeste versjonen som for tiden er 2.1.7.
Skal jeg oppgradere til versjon 2.1.7 direkte, eller skal jeg oppdatere versjonen etter versjon som 2.1.3 til 2.1.4 og deretter 2.1.4 til 2.1.5?
Vil det opprette en feil hvis jeg oppdaterer direkte til den nyeste versjonen? Og fortell meg hvor mange trinn?

#17316 Ayuda para actualizar mi versión actual de Magento

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 16 January 2018 - 08:23 AM in Instalación, actualización de PrestaShop

Mi versión de Magento es 1.9 y necesito actualizarla a la última versión que es actualmente 2.1.7.
Debo actualizar a la versión 2.1.7 directamente o debería actualizar la versión por versión como 2.1.3 a 2.1.4 y uego 2.1.4 a 2.1.5?Creará algún error si actualizo directamente a la última versión? Y por favor dime cuántos pasos?

#17315 opencart to magento

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 16 January 2018 - 05:04 AM in Migration to Magento

Hi there,

Well looks like there’s just the tool to help you with your Opencart to Magento migration - Litextesion. It’s easy-to-use, secure, swift and offers a great data transfer quality.

It supports migration of all entities you need such as products, orders, customers, SEO URLs, categories, review, sensitive data such as customer passwords, etc. Magento is a hosted shopping cart and o migration tool or developer can possibly access such kind of info.

As for migration time, you can check how long will the data transfer take by entering the number of products, orders, and customers in in Estimator Tool.

Hope it’ll help! Good luck.


#17267 Shopify to OpenCart: WHAT IS BETTER?

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 10 January 2018 - 03:21 AM in Migration to OpenCart

Great article it was really useful to read

#17266 Can I choose Opencart?

Posted by Mrs Sarah on 10 January 2018 - 02:14 AM in OpenCart general discussions

Hi brains trust.
My site has approx 600 products so not massive – with reasonably standard sales process – option to send as a gift, add a voucher etc
Prod details require approx 15 fields – mainly text-based – nothing overly fancy.
Free is good but not scared to spend $$ if required and reasonable
Can I choose Opencart?
By the way, can I give more information about Opencart extensions