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There have been 2 items by yatharthmarketing (Search limited from 17-February 24)

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#19616 What is difference between "no follow" and "do follow" in SEO ?

Posted by yatharthmarketing on 29 June 2020 - 11:27 AM in PrestaShop SEO

Do follow link is a link which is noticed by Search Engine has more importance than no follow back link. No follow link is a link which is not noticed by Search Engine and It does not have more importance than do follow back link. 

#19615 Which social media buttons should you add on your site?

Posted by yatharthmarketing on 29 June 2020 - 11:21 AM in Magento SEO

The Social Media Button you add in your website should get regularly updated. Suppose you update your Facebook daily you should add Facebook button, Same for all social media buttons like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, instagram, Blogger and more.