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Member Since 30 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active May 01 2014 01:04 PM

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In Topic: Facebook share wrong picture prestashop 1.6

01 May 2014 - 01:08 PM

so i want to buy your module. but i have some problems. my country has not support any online payment method, so i do not have any master card or paypal account. so how can buy this module ? can you suggest me what should i do ?

By the way, i am from bangladesh. thanks.

In Topic: Facebook share wrong picture prestashop 1.6

30 April 2014 - 05:59 PM

Hi Vekia, i am using prestashop i am also having this problem. when i share a product on facebook it takes my product's meta name and meta description but can't take product image. Instead of product image it always takes my site logo. you suggested to add open graph tags in our site (with modification of product controller and product.tpl file). Somewhere also you suggested to do this manually by following this link - "  http://blog.dh42.com...age-in-og-tags/   ". if i follow this link, should it be worked for prestashop or something more i have to change for version ? Please help me out. Thanks.