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Member Since 11 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2014 08:41 AM

Topics I've Started

FraudLabs Pro OpenCart Fraud Detection Extension

11 December 2014 - 08:41 AM

The FraudLabs Pro extension leverages the existing built-in fraud detection system to support the Fraud Prevention feature for OpenCart and it is free.


The merchants have total control of how the checking works. The system allows them to customize their own rules based on their business needs and the risk level that they are comfortable with.


Learn more at:

This extension requires license key to function. You may register for a free license key at http://www.fraudlabspro.com/sign-up.

Fraud Prevention Solution

11 December 2014 - 08:31 AM

FraudLabs Pro extension helps to screen and filter high risk transactions in order to prevent fraud and chargebacks. It equipped with sophisticated validation engine to efficiently screen the order from different criteria, e.g, IP geolocation information, free email provider, ship forwarded address, credit card BIN record and so on.


It just as simple as install the plugins, configure the rules that best suit your business needs and it will start guarding your order transactions round the clock.

This module is absolutely FREE for 500 queries per month. So, it cost you just nothing to start protecting your business from fraud.