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Member Since 18 Feb 2025
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Need help choosing the theme

19 February 2025 - 03:24 PM


I'm starting new online store for various sailing stuff and need to choose good theme. I was looked here, at themeforest and templatemonster but did not found some I would 100% like. Found one theme that looks good and have a good list of modules but there was neither updates since 2020 nor support.

Please advice me the theme that will have updates / support and will look good for electronics / technical goods sales. 100% width, lightweight, sticky header and cart. Better if it will have the Baltic languages already inside. Some features I expect to be included (I understand that everything can be added with modules but better to have everything from one place)

100% with theme with categories tree menu that is not only dropdown but could be sticky
sticky header and cart
configurable filter for each category (different product features in each category)
special categories like "on sale", "new products" and so on.
blog / news area
cookies / GDPR notice
one page checkout
X EUR left for free shipping in the cart notice
newsletter welcome notice
Social network sign-on / register

Also I need eBay / Amazon integration and marketplace functionality. I saw that some templates includes this functionality but not sure they should. It's optional but very interesting.


Please any advice