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Member Since 10 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 13 2018 03:27 AM

Topics I've Started

Attributes within a table inside cells in your combinations module

13 January 2018 - 03:28 AM

Hi, in the product page is it possible to show the variants not separated by comma but within a table, the header contains the attribute name, and the cell contains the attribute value, one combination for every tr?

gallery module demo?

15 December 2017 - 02:35 AM

hello vekja
Do you have a demostration of this module?

Empty email with gift card in my PrestaShop

07 November 2017 - 03:57 PM

Hi, I'm having problems with my Gift Card module. I have version 2.9.2 installed and trying to configure it to work alright. But when I test purchase giftcards I only get an empty email with my company logo sent to the customers email adress. Can it be something wrong with the translations? I want to send emails in Swedish and the translation files look alright... but still just an empty mail. What can I do? Best regards 

Hide products for some groups of customers

07 November 2017 - 12:12 PM

Hello, We are usin Presta and want to show products depending on client group (exeample "distribuitors"). If a distribuitor client log in, he only will see a selected products with special discount. Also when searching with prestashop search module, only should show products visible for his group. Is this possible with your module? Is your module overriding or works with new classes. Thanks,

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