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Member Since 13 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 13 2015 09:48 PM

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[SOLVED] Checkout issues

13 January 2015 - 09:16 PM



I'm using PS 1.6x and I've noticed (another) issues when trying to checkout.

First problem is that when I'm trying to checkout as a guest, I finally get an information that my account was created and I'm redirected to step 1. When I want to proceed, I'm moved from step 1 to 3 (as shown on screenshots).


Another problem is that no customer can register an account: 




Technical Error:
unable to load form

Error thrown: [object Object]
Text status: Parsererror


However, it doesn't when when selected language is english. I've just tried disabling mobile in my theme but it doesn't work.