i was able to install whole theme this was problem with zip file (some files have bad names) but i have now problem with scmegamenu this show me in debug :
Notice: Undefined property: CsMegaMenu::$_respMenu in /home/ftp/test/modules/csmegamenu/csmegamenu.php on line 1359
and this is the code from this line:
$this->_respMenu .= '<ul>';
foreach ($children as $child)
$this->_getRespCategories((int)$child['id_category'], (int)$id_lang, (int)$child['id_shop']);
if ($id_category == 1)
if ($this->isInstalled('csblog') && $this->isEnabled('csblog'))
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$url = $this->context->link->getModuleLink('csblog', 'categoryPost');
$this->_respMenu .= '<li><a href="'.$url.'"><span>'.$this->l('Our Blog').'</span></a></li>';
$this->_respMenu .= '</ul>';
is anybody know what is wrong with this ?