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keilly lee

Member Since 19 May 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2015 01:27 AM

#3125 Veyton to Prestashop migration tool by Litextension

Posted by keilly lee on 29 May 2015 - 08:12 AM

Veyton to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension is a full features plugin allows Veyton store owners to migrate data from their store to Prestashop. Migration data includes: Products, Categories, Customers, Customers Password, Orders, Reviews, Manufacturers, Taxes,... and can be extended via customization


MODULE URL: http://Litextension....veyton.html


LIVE DEMO:  http://demo3.litexte...=cart-migration



1. Products
• Product Information: Product Name, Product Description, Quantity, Model, Available, Weight, Created Date, Modified Date , Price, Tax Class, etc.
• Product Images: Support to migrate all products images from source store to target store
• Product Attributes: Additional fields that may affect the price of product and have a couple of meanings, e.g. Color, Size, Material, etc.
• Product Extra Fields: Additional fields that do not affect the price of product and have no selective meanings, e.g. checkboxes, dropdownlist, radiobuttons.
• Product Variants: A specific item, it can be grouped with related variants together to form a product, e.g. an iPhone 6 gold,16GB storage has SKU of 1234 is one product variant of the iPhone product.
• Product Tags: The keyword you assign to your product. Tags describe a property of your product. 
• Related Products: Products in the same category as the item a shopper is viewing
2. Categories
• Categories: Product categories constituting the major groups of products in the store.
• Image Categories: Images corresponding to the product categories.
3. Customers
• Customer information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Username, DOB, Phone,Home Address, Shipping Address,  Billing Address, Registered Date, Status, etc.
• Customer Password: Support migrate Customer Passwords from Veyton to Prestashop
• Customer Groups: Allows to migrate customers preserving relationships with their groups
4. Orders
• Order Information:  Customer Information, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Currency, Order Statuses, Totals, Created Date, etc.
• Order Details: List of products in an order, e.g. Product Name, Price, Quantity, etc. of each product in an order.
5. URLs
Migrate Product and Category SEO Urls: Supports migrating custom product and category SEO Urls to preserve SEO ranking of Source Store
6. Custom Fields
• Migrate Custom Fields: Support migrating custom fields of products, categories, customers and orders
7. Reviews
• Review Information: Reviews of each product made by customer on your store including: Customers Name, Rating, Review, etc.
8. Taxes
• Tax details: Name, Value, Value Type (percent or exact value in default currency), Created Date, etc.
9. Manufacturers
• Manufacturers Information: Name, Description, URL, Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, etc.
• Manufacturer Images: Images corresponding to product manufacturers in the store.
10. Currencies
• List of currency rates 

#3124 Loaded 7 to Prestashop migration tool by Litextension

Posted by keilly lee on 29 May 2015 - 08:07 AM

Loaded 7 to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension is a full features plugin allows Loaded 7 store owners to migrate data from their store to Prestashop. Migration data includes: Products, Categories, Customers, Customers Password, Orders, Reviews, Manufacturers, Taxes,... and can be extended via customization


MODULE URL: http://Litextension....loaded7.html


LIVE DEMO:  http://demo3.litexte...=cart-migration




1. Products
• Product Information: Product Name, Product Description, Quantity, Model, Available, Weight, Created Date, Modified Date , Price, Tax Class, etc.
• Product Images: Support to migrate all products images from source store to target store
• Product Attributes: Additional fields that may affect the price of product and have a couple of meanings, e.g. Color, Size, Material, etc.
• Product Extra Fields: Additional fields that do not affect the price of product and have no selective meanings, e.g. checkboxes, dropdownlist, radiobuttons.
• Product Variants: A specific item, it can be grouped with related variants together to form a product, e.g. an iPhone 6 gold,16GB storage has SKU of 1234 is one product variant of the iPhone product.
• Product Tags: The keyword you assign to your product. Tags describe a property of your product. 
• Related Products: Products in the same category as the item a shopper is viewing
2. Categories
• Categories: Product categories constituting the major groups of products in the store.
• Image Categories: Images corresponding to the product categories.
3. Customers
• Customer information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Username, DOB, Phone,Home Address, Shipping Address,  Billing Address, Registered Date, Status, etc.
• Customer Password: Support migrate Customer Passwords from Loaded 7 to Prestashop
• Customer Groups: Allows to migrate customers preserving relationships with their groups
4. Orders
• Order Information:  Customer Information, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Currency, Order Statuses, Totals, Created Date, etc.
• Order Details: List of products in an order, e.g. Product Name, Price, Quantity, etc. of each product in an order.
5. URLs
Migrate Product and Category SEO Urls: Supports migrating custom product and category SEO Urls to preserve SEO ranking of Source Store
6. Custom Fields
• Migrate Custom Fields: Support migrating custom fields of products, categories, customers and orders
7. Reviews
• Review Information: Reviews of each product made by customer on your store including: Customers Name, Rating, Review, etc.
8. Taxes
• Tax details: Name, Value, Value Type (percent or exact value in default currency), Created Date, etc.
9. Manufacturers
• Manufacturers Information: Name, Description, URL, Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, etc.
• Manufacturer Images: Images corresponding to product manufacturers in the store.
10. Currencies
• List of currency rates 

#3095 OsCommerce, Prestashop and Magento

Posted by keilly lee on 22 May 2015 - 04:29 AM

We are selling our products via osCommerce and now I want to extend scope to sell them. I look at Prestashop and Magento where are very good for us in selling so I want to migrate from osCommerce to Prestashop and from osCommerce to Magento in the upcoming time. I really want to be helped? :rolleyes: 

#3091 Without SEO URLs when to convert categories from Woocommerce to Magento?

Posted by keilly lee on 21 May 2015 - 04:37 AM

Hi all of you,
You don't stop enlarging the market to develop your brand. If you are using Woocommerce and now you know Magento where the location is good to sell your products, you will duplicate your products and them's categories from old site to Magento. This is the simply work that we can help you when you buy our tools, furthermore in the migration process your SEO URL can be changed. Of course, don't worry about it because we can solve this problem for you the best in the shortest time!

#3090 Without SEO URLs when to convert categories from any old store to Magento

Posted by keilly lee on 21 May 2015 - 04:11 AM

Hi all of you,
You don't stop enlarging the market to develop your brand. If you are using some sites as Shopify, Woocommerce, Zen Cart, Prestashop, ...at the moment and now you know Magento where the location is good to sell your products, you will duplicate your products and them's categories from old site to Magento. This is the simply work that we can help you when you buy our tools, furthermore in the migration process your SEO URL can be changed. Of course, don't worry about it because we can solve this problem for you the best in the shortest time!


#3085 Custom Fields Migration Plugin

Posted by keilly lee on 20 May 2015 - 07:39 AM

The LitExtension Migration Tools migrate well on your shopping cart which will not change the original database structure. In case your cart has changed, The Custom Fields plugin is designed to help you migrate your custom fields.

* This is extended feature of LitExtension Migration Tool, You should purchase the tool before using this service...

The way it works:

1. Get Custom Fields plugin

- Please select your Custom Fields Plugin for the Migration Tool you already purchased.

2. Provide us your cart information

- After purchasing Custom Fields plugin, please send some information as: OrderID, FTP login details, Store Backend Login to contact@litextension.com

3. Delivery

- LitExtension Technical Staffs will check your store information, craft the plugin and send it to you within 24 hours

Finally, Installing and Running

- You just copy update file you have got from LitExtension and paste to folder according to our guide. Finally, you gonna migrate using Migration Tool normally and receive brilliant result