Allow your customers to select a delivery date! They will be more likely to order on your shop. Allow your customers to select a delivery date! They will be more likely to order on your shop. You can export orders for delivery and products to prepare for a specific date. If you want the requested delivery date may appear on the invoice and the delivery (core modification required). This module can be useful for?delivery of fresh produce, flowers or birthday presents... You can choose : the days of week available for delivery minimum days before delivery maximum hour for ordering Non delivery days Maximum days avaible for delivery If the delivery day is required for ordering If the merchant will receive the delivery day when the order is validated If the customer will receive the delivery day when the order is validated The requested delivery date appears in the order detail in admin panel. You can export orders for delivery and products to prepare for a specific date. If you want the requested delivery date may appear on the invoice and the delivery (core modification required). This module has an automatic update and personalized support if you register it. Customer Benefits Your customer will receive the product the day it will have previously chosen on your site. Save time: the product will be delivered on time to the recipient Transparency and loyalty: your client may renew their purchases since it will have obtained from you transparency in terms of delivery time.