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Member Since 23 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2017 09:25 AM

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CSV Import file - does not adding product reference number

23 January 2017 - 09:23 PM

Hello everyone!


I`m pretty new here, therefore don`t kill me if an asnwer is somewhere under my nose  :rolleyes:


I have added products to my CSV file and imported them. Everything went perfect, all products, prices, tax rules, images and discounts imported perfectly, but not product reference numbers.


On every product i have product code. As my supplier providing almost 1k products, it is necessary for me to have this product code for easier access. But they don`t want to show up in my product list in the back office.


I have tried to use different fields and all together (Reference # & Supplier reference #) from product import and (Product Reference, Supplier reference, Reference) through combination import. Nothing changing - still no Reference codes in the product list...  :unsure:


What i`m doing wrong? How to push them in to the right place without manual editing?  :angry: