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Member Since 24 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2017 09:49 PM

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In Topic: Minimum product quantity by customer group + accept multiplied quantity only

07 April 2017 - 09:51 PM


Are you planning on updating this module to prestashop 1.7.x?

If so, is there a timeline for this update and if I purchase the module now, will I be able to download the 1.7.x version or will I have to purchase the module again?



In Topic: Minimum product quantity by customer group + accept multiplied quantity only

30 March 2017 - 05:44 PM


prestashop IMPORT CSV feature does not allow to import datas for other things than default ones (products, categories, customerts etc.).

module itself does not have any kind of import feature too.


the only one possibility is import to database with database manager software like phpmyadmin etc.

Hello Vekia

Sorry for the insistence. 

Once the module is installed, what table and what attribute would i have to modify for each product on the db to set the quantity multiple and minimum quantity?

I only need to set up minimum quantity and quantity multiple for wholesale customer group. 

I have tried working with packs, but your solution is the best one.

I just need to find a way to set these two things automatically on the database.


Thanks in advance for your help.

In Topic: Minimum product quantity by customer group + accept multiplied quantity only

27 March 2017 - 04:59 AM

prestashop IMPORT CSV feature does not allow to import datas for other things than default ones (products, categories, customerts etc.).
module itself does not have any kind of import feature too.

the only one possibility is import to database with database manager software like phpmyadmin etc.

Hi. Is there any documentation on how to do this php import to your module's table? So I import all my products via regular csv import and then import the minimal amount and multiple by customer group to your module via php?

In Topic: Minimum product quantity by customer group + accept multiplied quantity only

26 March 2017 - 11:01 PM

prestashop IMPORT CSV feature does not allow to import datas for other things than default ones (products, categories, customerts etc.).
module itself does not have any kind of import feature too.

the only one possibility is import to database with database manager software like phpmyadmin etc.

If my products have a feature named "pieces per pack" and this feature is a number, can I set the module to automatically apply the minimum amount and the multiples from the data of this feature so that a wholesale client can only by in closed packs?

In Topic: Minimum product quantity by customer group + accept multiplied quantity only

24 March 2017 - 11:43 PM

Hello Vekia.
Your module looks great.
I wanted to know if the minimum quantities and multiples can be set and modified via csv import or any other sort of automated import as my store will have about 5000 products and new products will be created every few weeks.
Thanks in advance for your answers.