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Member Since 16 May 2017
Offline Last Active May 16 2017 01:58 PM

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In Topic: Module to create tooltips in PrestaShop

16 May 2017 - 01:59 PM

Module does not works. That is why on the official web site there is no demo page. The work of the module is only shown in the screenshots, but it actually disrupts Prestashop after installation.

I found next problems:
1) a malfunction in the built-in menu (submenu items do not fall out)
2) a malfunction of the slider images product
3) maybe something else...
You can see it here: http://test.61law.ru...s/2-blouse.html

I sent a request for correction of errors (ticket 21351) to support, three times wrote to facebook and received no response.
My money is lost. Until you buy you'll never know, be careful everyone.