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Member Since 05 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2017 04:34 AM

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question about friendly urls without id in prestashop

06 November 2017 - 04:35 AM

Forgive my translation, I'm from Spain. Hello good day. I'm interested in the module but I have a question. Currently I have a module on my page that is working or at least does its job, but I think that the module is quite touched because it is old and I think it is generating conflicts with other modules, so I want something new and without modifications. My question is the following, I already have about 2500 url indexed according to the title of the product but it does not show in the url the category where it comes from and so I would like to keep it, this module does it to me? that is, if I buy it and install it, could I configure it so that I can keep the urls that I have already generated exactly the same? to me that you do not show me the categories and I'm worth, example www.miweb.es/titulo-de-mi-producto.html Thank you



Hola, buenos dias. Me interesa el modulo pero tengo una duda. Actualmente tengo un modulo en mi pagina que esta funcionando o por lo menos hace su trabajo, pero creo pensar que el modulo esta bastante toqueteado porque es antiguo y pienso que me esta generando conflictos con otros modulos, por eso quiero algo nuevo y sin modificaciones. Mi pregunta es la siguiente, yo tengo ya unas 2500 url indexadas segun el titulo del producto pero no se muestra en la url la categoria de donde proviene y asi me gustaria mantenerlo, este modulo me lo hace? es decir, si lo compro e instalo podria configurarlo para que me mantenga las url que ya tengo generadas exactamnete igual? a mi con que no me muestre las categorias ya me vale, ejemplo www.miweb.es/titulo-de-mi-producto.html Gracias 

limit product quantity per purchase in categories (prestashop 1.6)

05 November 2017 - 07:53 PM

Dear Vekia, I am interested in your product "Prestashop Maximum product quantity". However I have a specific need: I am selling furniture via Prestashop and I would like to add a category where I can add some small "free" household stuff that clients can add to their cart as a gift. To do so I would like to limit the maximum quantity to 1 piece for a whole category (category name: Gifts). So if you choose one item from this category and add it to cart you can not add another item from the same category. Is there a way you can add this kind of functionality to the module. It will be really useful for me :) Thank you