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Member Since 18 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2018 09:48 AM

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Prestashop Payeezy First Data GGe4 Module

19 June 2018 - 09:15 AM

The Prestashop First Data Global Gateway e4 Payment can be integrated with the Prestashop to process your card payments from the merchant site which means, customers stay on your site and enter Credit Card details. When the data is submitted, the Payment plugin connects with Firstdata to initiate the Money Transfer using the card details of the customer and the merchant account details that you have set up in the configuration panel. The plugin collects the credit card details, validates and passes the data to Firstdata in a secured way.
Documentation available in
The module helps to accept payment through First Data Global Gateway e4.          
The module does not store card information anywhere to pass PCI Compliance issues.
The merchant can modify the refund option through First data backend.
The merchant can capture the authorized payments from the module backend.
Supports Authorize Only, Authorize & Capture (Sale).

Anyone used this prestashop paypal module

19 June 2018 - 09:11 AM

PrestaShop PayPal All-In-One Module which  integrates with the PrestaShop version-1.7 and above compatibility. This will accept credit card payments quickly .When you want to switch from one payment to another payment module ,you can just configure the same from your backend.