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Member Since 21 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2018 10:49 AM

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In Topic: Boost your sales with Magento Review Reminder!

22 June 2018 - 12:38 PM

Hey @whitebear ,


thanks for such an interesting article. 

Another alternative to consider is Magento 2 Review Reminder extension from ITORIS INC. 


This module will help store owners to automatically send review reminders and encourage customers to leave their feedback once the order is completed.  

This extension has the following features:

  • Manage the review reminders globally or per store view;
  • Schedule the reminders to be sent automatically;
  • Send the review reminders in bulk;
  • Set the reminder's limitation: customer groups, product types, categories, subtotal;
  • Track the reminders' statuses on the log;
  • Apply different mass actions to review reminders;
  • Customizable email template;
  • Preview the review reminders;
  • Enable the unsubscribe link;
  • Different template senders;
  • Enable a BCC copy of reminders;
  • Clean logs in a specified period;
  • Send a test email.

In Topic: How can I create a countdown for special price time in Magento 2?

22 June 2018 - 12:17 PM

Dear vuduynghia,


one extension you might want to look at is Magento 2 Countdown Timer extension. This extension will enable you to display and customize the special price countdown timer on product and category pages. If you would also like to enable the start countdown to remind users about an upcoming sale, this extension is just what you need.




  • Enable countdown for the special price start date;
  • Enable countdown for the special price end date;
  • Manage countdown globally or per store view;
  • Display countdown on Homepage, product pages and category pages;
  • Configure countdown per product;
  • Define days before showing the countdown;
  • Various date formats;
  • Customizable templates;
  • Use the HTML tags in templates;
  • Insert different variables into templates;
  • Responsive design for tablets and mobile devices.

The End and Start Countdown on the Product View and Category Pages

After you specify the special price date period for a product, the extension displays the end countdown timer if the expiry day is coming to an end. Or you can let customers know about special offers that will soon be available. Place the timer counting days, hours, minutes and seconds on product detail pages, Homepage or catalogue pages. Keep customers' attention anywhere on your website.

Various Formats and Customizable Templates

Customize four templates available for the start and end countdown or add different timer formats with custom texts for product and category pages separately. Add texts, change colours, use the HTML tags, insert special price start and end date, initial and special prices. You are able to edit templates for multiple stores. Just choose a store view, translate the template and save the changes.


Manage Countdown Visibility

The extension allows to control the end and start countdown visibility on the product view and category pages. Hide the countdown for specified products to make the timer available on Homepage or catalogue.

Want to notify customers two days before the special price start? Or need to remind about the special price expiry day? Define the days before displaying the countdown for product and category pages.

The Special Price Countdown extension for Magento 2 is aimed to add the countdown according to the set special price date, insert the countdown block into product and category pages, customize the end and start the countdown in your own way, specify the timer's visibility and bring the best offers to your customers.