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Member Since 12 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2014 03:47 PM

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Virtual product file assigned missing in days.

12 September 2014 - 08:59 PM

I'm going crazy with this. I change my old Zencart for Prestashop but I'm not so convinced... but is too late. Ok  this is the problem. I'm creating the products. Uploading the files.. everything nice. After finish I check that everything is good. OK... after 2 or 3 days.. someone buy the product and add the note. WHere is my download link?  I go to the products area, but for my surprise the section Virtual.. the option "Does this product have an associated file? is setted as NO.  What? I look my ftp and the file it seems be there (I always take a note the first 5 letter of the file created... and the size is ok).
It happen yesterday with my first sale of 2 products on an order. The client wrote that only one product he could download. For the other one I reupload the file and added again to his order. 
Today, the same with a single product on order. I created a new order so the client received the new order with the download button (micro button). By the way... there is any way to enlarge the download button? Is so complicated if not.



BTW my site is www.ohmyicons.com  (only digital products)