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Support or plugin for sending files from mobile devices

mobile plugin file format

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#1 EvGalois



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Posted 26 October 2015 - 08:28 PM

Dear Prestashoppers! 


My name is Chris and I need to drop three question regarding support/plugins for Prestashop. I am currently learning Prestashop that will become my CMS-platform for my webshop. Consider me a newbie.


1) In my e-commerce business I will need to make it possible for my clients to upload content in various formats, such as: mp3, jpg, png, pdf and occasionally mp4. Question: Would it be possible to enable a script or a formula which makes possible for my users/clients to structurally upload and submit this content to my website - through one simple submission? 


2) In the event that the script/function from Question 1 does not exist, are there any external plugins that are out there that you would recommend? 


3) In case it is "doable" - through Prestashop or through an external plugin - would it in the same manner be possible for my users/clients to upload the content mentioned through Android and iOS devices? 


Many thanks in advance and in hope of a reply,





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#2 vekia


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Posted 27 October 2015 - 05:58 PM

1) customer files upload - at the moment it is the most powerful solution for uploading files for PrestaShop. Module allows to upload files to: 
a) products that customer want to buy
B) to cart while order process
c) to order after order
d) just upload file to shop, you (as a shop owner) will be able to browse uploaded files

2) as above

3) it allows to upload files from mobile devices

free tutorials, free templates, free addons, prestashop modules MndfRK4.png  lpHMrZ5.png  gtKHYO7.png  google-48.png

#3 vekia


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Posted 27 October 2015 - 05:58 PM

Dear Prestashoppers! 


My name is Chris and I need to drop three question regarding support/plugins for Prestashop. I am currently learning Prestashop that will become my CMS-platform for my webshop. Consider me a newbie.


1) In my e-commerce business I will need to make it possible for my clients to upload content in various formats, such as: mp3, jpg, png, pdf and occasionally mp4. Question: Would it be possible to enable a script or a formula which makes possible for my users/clients to structurally upload and submit this content to my website - through one simple submission? 


2) In the event that the script/function from Question 1 does not exist, are there any external plugins that are out there that you would recommend? 


3) In case it is "doable" - through Prestashop or through an external plugin - would it in the same manner be possible for my users/clients to upload the content mentioned through Android and iOS devices? 


Many thanks in advance and in hope of a reply,



1) customer files upload - at the moment it is the most powerful solution for uploading files for PrestaShop. Module allows to upload files to: 
a) products that customer want to buy
B) to cart while order process
c) to order after order
d) just upload file to shop, you (as a shop owner) will be able to browse uploaded files

2) as above

3) it allows to upload files from mobile devices

free tutorials, free templates, free addons, prestashop modules MndfRK4.png  lpHMrZ5.png  gtKHYO7.png  google-48.png