URL: http://litextension....ion-banner.html
Video: https://www.youtube....h?v=s_hDpFdSTqA
Live Demo
- Front-End Demo: http://demo.litexten...omotion_banner/
- Sandbox Front-End: http://sandbox.litex...omotion_banner/
- Sandbox Back-End: http://sandbox.litex...admin?user=demo
- Allows admin to add/edit/delete banners in the backend
- Allows admin to add a link for each banner

- Can put html texts, images, videos, flash in to banner content
- Can also put widgets and other dynamic content into banner

- Set window dimensions and its alignment on the page
- Ability to specify fixed dimensions or flexible dimensions to fit different screen sizes
- Can choose background, border, shadow, ...
- Can choose theme style: button or text
- Enable/disable functional buttons as Close button, Don't show again button, Background overlay
- Can specify scrolling in and out effects
- Allow create unlimited banners per store view and per page
- Set the start and end date (specify the window time period when the popup is active)
- Ability to choose the behavior of Close button, to be closed or minimized
- Can set duration and auto-hide time, as well as Action after auto-hide
- Display the banners out by quick select the desired pages, as well as the ability to display it by CMS or Widget Manager
- Ability to specify whether to display on Mobile or not
- Fully compatible with Magento 1.4 and upper
- Support multiple stores
- Support multiple languages
- Extension is open source 100%
- License is valid for 1 live Magento installation and unlimited test Magento installations (No license key required).
- Easy to install and configure
- User-friendly interface