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Member Since 14 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2018 02:22 AM

Topics I've Started

modal popup on product page - how to add it to all pages?

17 February 2018 - 02:23 AM

Hello, I'm interested to buy the product page popup module, but I want know if i could to insert the button on all products in massive way or I'll must insert the button one by one? And then I should insert into popup a picture is it possible? Thanks a lot

customer account activate with email ?

15 February 2018 - 09:45 PM

Hello, i havequestion.

I would like to buy your "account activation by email link module", but it seems to have no available translations. I want it in french so i juste want to know if i can simply translate it with the translation tool in Prestashop BO.

Add maximum 4 quantity of product to cart

15 February 2018 - 09:28 PM

Hello, I am looking for a module to allow to add as maximum quantity 2 of a product and maximum quantity 3 of another product. They are in two different categories. The two products have attributes. What module do you recommend? Thanks

javascript and canvas on cms page

07 February 2018 - 07:50 AM

Hi! I am having a problem on my 1.6 Presta, which is the following: I have create a new HTML page, utilizing a JS Library on CMS Block. The problem is that the CMS Block is not accepting my canvas tags, , and neither javascript files is displaying as well. I would like to know if I buy your module if I am going to be able to show this static page on CMS Block with my javascript loading and all html tags there. On another page, the same issue occurs. Block editor is not allowing the download argument on html tag... I need something that gives me full html to create static pages on CMS Block. Your website also miss a Refund Policy in case the module is not what I expected, so please update me. Thank you, B

quantity discouts do not appear

01 February 2018 - 07:36 AM

I just bought the module to show quantity discounts a few hours ago. My Prestashop version is with Modez themes installed on top. (Modez theme Link : https://themeforest....e-blog/8318914)
However I noticed that my website is not showing the module even though the module has been installed and enabled.
I think the one it is showing is the default Prestashop Volume discount table. With price not correctly displayed. (see below)
Weirdly enough, once you go to Checkout / Shopping cart, all the calculations are correct as what I intended.  zzzzzzz