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Member Since 05 Jul 2019
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2022 03:20 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How to migration magento to prestashop?

07 February 2020 - 04:23 AM

You could try our migration tool: https://next-cart.co...-to-prestashop/. We offer the cheapest price and our technicians will support you until you are happy with the migration result.

In Topic: Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration Service

31 October 2019 - 03:23 AM

Yes the price is quite expensive and the migration process is too complicated. You should try this Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration tool and service, it's only $49 and they will take care of the migration process for you. You don't need tech savvy or any development skills to perform the migration. No need to install anything.

In Topic: Smart way to moving from ZenCart to WooCommerce

18 October 2019 - 08:27 AM

Migrate from ZenCart to WooCommerce using Shopping cart migration service named Next-Cart you will don't need to worry about data loss, no downtime, easy and fast. This is a cheap and high quality service.


All your ecommerce data like - categories, products, customers, orders .etc... will be migrated correctly, all relationships between entities are still preserved



In Topic: Opencart to Woocommerce migration tool by Litextension

17 July 2019 - 07:48 AM

WooCommerce is an excellent option for the many WordPress users out there. It integrates so seamlessly with your existing WordPress site that it’s hard to think of a reason you wouldn’t use it if you’ve got WordPress.

If you want migrate from OpenCart to WooCommerce I can suggest an automated migration service Next-Cart 
In addition to all the vital store data (products, categories, orders, taxes, etc. ), it allows to move SEO URLs and create 301 SEO redirects, thus, your search engine ranks will remain what they are.

Hope that helps!

In Topic: Oscommerce to Woocommerce migration tool by Litextension

17 July 2019 - 03:12 AM

Hey there,

I know Next-Cart is a high-quality automated shopping cart migration service that ensures high data security as well as qualitative and accurate migrate to WooCommerce  from more than 30 supported e-Commerce platforms.

By using it, you’re able to transfer a comprehensive amount of entities, including products, customers, orders, categories, taxes and all the other related data completely automatically -- no coding required at all!Another awesome thing about this tool is the fact there’s Demo available that gives you a chance to see the migration in action and transfer a limited number of entities for free.You can either move them to your WooCommerce store right away,

Here you can find an entire list of transferable entities and additional options: OsCommerce to WooCommerce

Kind Regards,