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Tom Evans

Member Since 11 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2014 06:43 AM

#22 1 column free prestashop theme fashion bird

Posted by hrbj on 03 April 2014 - 10:41 PM

Free prestashop theme "fashion bird"

is a one column free prestashop template

with nice looking top full width sider


Posted Image



Attached Files

#1192 Is prestashop generally slow?

Posted by vekia on 18 November 2014 - 10:10 AM

prestashop isn't slow itself.

problem usually are related to other stuff like bad theme, bad modules

also important thing is reliable hosting 


if your shop will be BIG and have a lot of customers, products etc. it's logical, that you will need good hosting account to hadnle huge traffic

#270 Global discount for my customer in prestashop 1.6

Posted by vekia on 19 April 2014 - 08:15 PM

that's correct

the best way to achieve what you expect are groups.

you can define discount for customer group on group settings page, i recorded video about that:

#39 Integrations with google + are good for seo? any modules?

Posted by vekia on 04 April 2014 - 12:02 PM


definitely it's true

social networks like facebook, twitter, google+ are most important factors in seo related cases.


you can use some social network integrations modules like:

These modules allow to share your products on social network, if you will have more shares, then these products and whole shop will be more visible in google search results

#313 [free] social media icons (facebook, twitter, google etc.)

Posted by hrbj on 27 April 2014 - 10:59 AM


today while developing new website i had to use circle social network icons. I found this absolutely free package.

I used it and now website looks awesome. YOu can download these icons for free. link below






Attached Files

#403 real product tabs in prestashop 1.6

Posted by vekia on 26 May 2014 - 08:32 AM

by default in prestasop 1.6 template product tabs are displayed as a wide horizontal bars with content. In this guide i want to show you how to change them to real tabs like it was in oldest releases of prestashop. These tabs are responsive!


guide here: real product tabs in prestashop 1.6





real product tabs in prestashop 1.6

#70 [TUTORIAL] import translations - language, localization pack

Posted by vekia on 05 April 2014 - 10:28 PM

I recorded video about importing language pack in prestashop 1.6.

It works the same in other versions of prestashop platform: 1.5, 1.4 just layout is different :)


so, if you wondering how to import language pack with translations to your shop, watch video that i attached below

#310 Logo overlaps menu

Posted by vekia on 26 April 2014 - 02:28 PM



there are 2 possibilities:

- your shop works with "catalog mode" option turned on

- you disabled block user info module


if first one, turn off catalog mode (perhpas you want to run shop in this mode? if so, let me know, it will be necessary to change css styles)

if second one, put this module back to its original position

#25 how to move categories block to right column?

Posted by vekia on 03 April 2014 - 11:20 PM


yes, it is possible

go to modules > positions tab in your back office

search for "displayLeftColumn" modules list

then near the block categories module click on thrash icon (just remove it from this list)


then click on transplant button, and from first dropdown select: block categories

from second dropdown select displayRightColumn


and just save changes

after that go to modules > positions once again

search for displayRightColumn modules list and move block categories module to the top of the list (change module postion)

#133 videos on product page PrestaShop 1.6

Posted by vekia on 10 April 2014 - 10:24 PM


you can do it in several ways. You can modify the product.tpl file located in your theme directory - and add there code to display video for example - from youtube.


on youtube press on embed tab and you will see code:
Posted Image


copy this code and paste it to procduct.tpl file as a:

			<!-- More info -->			<section class="page-product-box">				<h3 class="page-product-heading">{l s='Video'}</h3>				<div  class="rte">                                    PASTE YOUR EMBED CODE HERE                                </div>			</section>			<!--end  More info -->

it will appear as a tab. unfortunatelyby this way video will appear on each product page.



if you want to display different video for each product, you have to use some module like html box pro, like product page blocks, or like extra tabs pro

#237 OSCommerce to Prestashop Migration

Posted by OVOnel on 17 April 2014 - 02:19 PM

we are running 3 stores, all of them are based on oscommerce :)

now we are starting with another shop, but it is based on prestashop


if presta will met our requirements we will transfer all stores from oscommerce platform to prestashop

i added this url to my bookmarks :)

#266 Facebook share wrong picture prestashop 1.6

Posted by vekia on 19 April 2014 - 07:50 PM

you have to define open graph tags there is no other way to achievie it. You can do it manually (with modification of product controller and product.tpl file) or with module. i attached it to this post.