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There have been 26 items by CoinGate (Search limited from 15-January 24)

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#13041 Accept Bitcoin payments with OpenCart plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 25 November 2016 - 05:28 PM in OpenCart general discussions

We have implemented a feature that allows our merchants to set the expiration time for your invoices manually.
From now on, you can increase the invoice expiration time from 10 minutes (default) to a maximum of 2 hours.
If you've experienced that payments for your orders arrive late, or if you know that many of your customers use Web wallets or 3rd party services to make Bitcoin payments, then this feature is definitely for you.
Please bear in mind that this feature is only for merchants who have chosen to receive payouts in BTC. The parameters will be ignored if your "receive currency" is set to EUR or USD.
Also, by using this feature, you must realise and accept the risk involved. If your invoice time is set to, for example, 2 hours, and the Bitcoin price decreases significantly after an invoice has already been generated, we cannot accept the losses you may incur.
Check out our website for more information about our services.
Kind regards to the community from our team at CoinGate.

#13040 Accept Bitcoin payments with OsCommerce plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 25 November 2016 - 05:27 PM in OsCommerce plugins & themes

We have implemented a feature that allows our merchants to set the expiration time for your invoices manually.
From now on, you can increase the invoice expiration time from 10 minutes (default) to a maximum of 2 hours.
If you've experienced that payments for your orders arrive late, or if you know that many of your customers use Web wallets or 3rd party services to make Bitcoin payments, then this feature is definitely for you.
Please bear in mind that this feature is only for merchants who have chosen to receive payouts in BTC. The parameters will be ignored if your "receive currency" is set to EUR or USD.
Also, by using this feature, you must realise and accept the risk involved. If your invoice time is set to, for example, 2 hours, and the Bitcoin price decreases significantly after an invoice has already been generated, we cannot accept the losses you may incur.
Check out our website for more information about our services.
Kind regards to the community from our team at CoinGate.

#13039 Accept Bitcoin payments with Magento 2 plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 25 November 2016 - 05:27 PM in Magento modules & themes

We have implemented a feature that allows our merchants to set the expiration time for your invoices manually.
From now on, you can increase the invoice expiration time from 10 minutes (default) to a maximum of 2 hours.
If you've experienced that payments for your orders arrive late, or if you know that many of your customers use Web wallets or 3rd party services to make Bitcoin payments, then this feature is definitely for you.
Please bear in mind that this feature is only for merchants who have chosen to receive payouts in BTC. The parameters will be ignored if your "receive currency" is set to EUR or USD.
Also, by using this feature, you must realise and accept the risk involved. If your invoice time is set to, for example, 2 hours, and the Bitcoin price decreases significantly after an invoice has already been generated, we cannot accept the losses you may incur.
Check out our website for more information about our services.
Kind regards to the community from our team at CoinGate.

#13038 Accept Bitcoin payments with Magento plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 25 November 2016 - 05:27 PM in Magento modules & themes

We have implemented a feature that allows our merchants to set the expiration time for your invoices manually.
From now on, you can increase the invoice expiration time from 10 minutes (default) to a maximum of 2 hours.
If you've experienced that payments for your orders arrive late, or if you know that many of your customers use Web wallets or 3rd party services to make Bitcoin payments, then this feature is definitely for you.
Please bear in mind that this feature is only for merchants who have chosen to receive payouts in BTC. The parameters will be ignored if your "receive currency" is set to EUR or USD.
Also, by using this feature, you must realise and accept the risk involved. If your invoice time is set to, for example, 2 hours, and the Bitcoin price decreases significantly after an invoice has already been generated, we cannot accept the losses you may incur.
Check out our website for more information about our services.
Kind regards to the community from our team at CoinGate.

#13037 Accept Bitcoin payments with PrestaShop plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 25 November 2016 - 05:26 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

We have implemented a feature that allows our merchants to set the expiration time for your invoices manually.
From now on, you can increase the invoice expiration time from 10 minutes (default) to a maximum of 2 hours.
If you've experienced that payments for your orders arrive late, or if you know that many of your customers use Web wallets or 3rd party services to make Bitcoin payments, then this feature is definitely for you.
Please bear in mind that this feature is only for merchants who have chosen to receive payouts in BTC. The parameters will be ignored if your "receive currency" is set to EUR or USD.
Also, by using this feature, you must realise and accept the risk involved. If your invoice time is set to, for example, 2 hours, and the Bitcoin price decreases significantly after an invoice has already been generated, we cannot accept the losses you may incur.
Check out our website for more information about our services.
Kind regards to the community from our team at CoinGate.

#12891 Accept Bitcoin payments with WooCommerce plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 02:03 PM in WooCommerce general discussions

CoinGate enables businesses to accept Bitcoin payments easily and safely, using an API, payment buttons, or plugins for various eCommerce platforms.
Our supported eCommerce platforms: WooCommerce, Magento 1, Magento 2, PrestaShop, OpenCart, , OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS, and VirtueMart.

We charge only 1% from the amount transacted, and there are no monthly, registration or other fees.


You can receive payouts in EUR, USD or Bitcoin without additional charges.


If you choose to get paid in EUR or USD, you receive a fixed amount of money for your goods and services, yet you can still reap all the benefits of Bitcoin transactions.



Benefits of accepting Bitcoin:
No chargeback or fraud - When accepting Bitcoin payments via CoinGate, transactions are irreversible. This allows you to safely accept payments even from so-called “high risk” countries like Nigeria or Ukraine.
Customer privacy - to pay with Bitcoins, your customers do not have to disclose any personal information to you, unless you request it. This protects the privacy of your customers and makes identity theft impossible, because you don’t need to save and protect private information, such as credit card data, of your customers.
Additional client flow - there are several billion people in the world without a bank account or a credit card, but many of those people have internet access, which is all that is needed to be able to use Bitcoin. For those people Bitcoin if the only payment method available to buy goods and services from international merchants online.
* Please note, that due to regulatory reasons, businesses located or registered in the United States of America can not use our services. *

Download WooCommerce plugin:
How to install:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or contact us on our website: https://coingate.com

#12890 Accept Bitcoin payments with OpenCart plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:59 PM in OpenCart general discussions

CoinGate enables businesses to accept Bitcoin payments easily and safely, using an API, payment buttons, or plugins for various eCommerce platforms.
Our supported eCommerce platforms: OpenCartMagento 1, Magento 2, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS, and VirtueMart.

We charge only 1% from the amount transacted, and there are no monthly, registration or other fees.


You can receive payouts in EUR, USD or Bitcoin without additional charges.


If you choose to get paid in EUR or USD, you receive a fixed amount of money for your goods and services, yet you can still reap all the benefits of Bitcoin transactions.



Benefits of accepting Bitcoin:
No chargeback or fraud - When accepting Bitcoin payments via CoinGate, transactions are irreversible. This allows you to safely accept payments even from so-called “high risk” countries like Nigeria or Ukraine.
Customer privacy - to pay with Bitcoins, your customers do not have to disclose any personal information to you, unless you request it. This protects the privacy of your customers and makes identity theft impossible, because you don’t need to save and protect private information, such as credit card data, of your customers.
Additional client flow - there are several billion people in the world without a bank account or a credit card, but many of those people have internet access, which is all that is needed to be able to use Bitcoin. For those people Bitcoin if the only payment method available to buy goods and services from international merchants online.
* Please note, that due to regulatory reasons, businesses located or registered in the United States of America can not use our services. *

Download OpenCart plugin:
How to install:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or contact us on our website: https://coingate.com

#12889 Accept Bitcoin payments with OsCommerce plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:55 PM in OsCommerce plugins & themes

CoinGate enables businesses to accept Bitcoin payments easily and safely, using an API, payment buttons, or plugins for various eCommerce platforms.
Our supported eCommerce platforms: OsCommerce  Magento 1, Magento   2,   PrestaShop, OpenCart, WooCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS, and VirtueMart.  

We charge only 1% from the amount transacted, and there are no monthly, registration or other fees.


You can receive payouts in EUR, USD or Bitcoin without additional charges.


If you choose to get paid in EUR or USD, you receive a fixed amount of money for your goods and services, yet you can still reap all the benefits of Bitcoin transactions.



Benefits of accepting Bitcoin:
No chargeback or fraud - When accepting Bitcoin payments via CoinGate, transactions are irreversible. This allows you to safely accept payments even from so-called “high risk” countries like Nigeria or Ukraine.
Customer privacy - to pay with Bitcoins, your customers do not have to disclose any personal information to you, unless you request it. This protects the privacy of your customers and makes identity theft impossible, because you don’t need to save and protect private information, such as credit card data, of your customers.
Additional client flow - there are several billion people in the world without a bank account or a credit card, but many of those people have internet access, which is all that is needed to be able to use Bitcoin. For those people Bitcoin if the only payment method available to buy goods and services from international merchants online.
* Please note, that due to regulatory reasons, businesses located or registered in the United States of America can not use our services. *

Download OsCommerce plugin:
How to install:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or contact us on our website: https://coingate.com

#12888 Accept Bitcoin payments with Magento 2 plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:53 PM in Magento modules & themes

CoinGate enables businesses to accept Bitcoin payments easily and safely, using an API, payment buttons, or plugins for various eCommerce platforms.
Our supported eCommerce platforms: Magento 2, Magento 1, PrestaShop, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS, and VirtueMart.

We charge only 1% from the amount transacted, and there are no monthly, registration or other fees.


You can receive payouts in EUR, USD or Bitcoin without additional charges.


If you choose to get paid in EUR or USD, you receive a fixed amount of money for your goods and services, yet you can still reap all the benefits of Bitcoin transactions.



Benefits of accepting Bitcoin:
No chargeback or fraud - When accepting Bitcoin payments via CoinGate, transactions are irreversible. This allows you to safely accept payments even from so-called “high risk” countries like Nigeria or Ukraine.
Customer privacy - to pay with Bitcoins, your customers do not have to disclose any personal information to you, unless you request it. This protects the privacy of your customers and makes identity theft impossible, because you don’t need to save and protect private information, such as credit card data, of your customers.
Additional client flow - there are several billion people in the world without a bank account or a credit card, but many of those people have internet access, which is all that is needed to be able to use Bitcoin. For those people Bitcoin if the only payment method available to buy goods and services from international merchants online.
* Please note, that due to regulatory reasons, businesses located or registered in the United States of America can not use our services. *

Download Magento 2 plugin:
How to install:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or contact us on our website: https://coingate.com

#12887 Accept Bitcoin payments with Magento plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:51 PM in Magento modules & themes

CoinGate enables businesses to accept Bitcoin payments easily and safely, using an API, payment buttons, or plugins for various eCommerce platforms.
Our supported eCommerce platforms: Magento 1, Magento 2PrestaShop, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS, and VirtueMart.

We charge only 1% from the amount transacted, and there are no monthly, registration or other fees.


You can receive payouts in EUR, USD or Bitcoin without additional charges.


If you choose to get paid in EUR or USD, you receive a fixed amount of money for your goods and services, yet you can still reap all the benefits of Bitcoin transactions.



Benefits of accepting Bitcoin:
No chargeback or fraud - When accepting Bitcoin payments via CoinGate, transactions are irreversible. This allows you to safely accept payments even from so-called “high risk” countries like Nigeria or Ukraine.
Customer privacy - to pay with Bitcoins, your customers do not have to disclose any personal information to you, unless you request it. This protects the privacy of your customers and makes identity theft impossible, because you don’t need to save and protect private information, such as credit card data, of your customers.
Additional client flow - there are several billion people in the world without a bank account or a credit card, but many of those people have internet access, which is all that is needed to be able to use Bitcoin. For those people Bitcoin if the only payment method available to buy goods and services from international merchants online.
* Please note, that due to regulatory reasons, businesses located or registered in the United States of America can not use our services. *

Download Magento plugin:
How to install:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or contact us on our website: https://coingate.com

#12886 Δεχτείτε την πληρωμή Bitcoin με PrestaShop plugin [Δωρεάν Ενότητα]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:46 PM in PrestaShop ενότητες και θέματα, δωρεάν και επί πληρωμή.

CoinGate επιτρέπει στις επιχειρήσεις να δέχονται πληρωμές Bitcoin εύκολα και με ασφάλεια, χρησιμοποιώντας ένα API, κουμπιά πληρωμής, ή plugins για διάφορες πλατφόρμες ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου.
πλατφόρμες μας υποστηρίζονται eCommerce: PrestaShop, Magento 1 και 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS, και VirtueMart.
Εμείς χρεώνουν μόνο το 1% από το ποσό της συναλλαγής, και δεν υπάρχει καμία μηνιαία, εγγραφής ή άλλων τελών.
Μπορείτε να λαμβάνουν πληρωμές σε ευρώ, δολάρια ΗΠΑ ή Bitcoin χωρίς επιπλέον χρεώσεις.
Αν επιλέξετε να πληρωθείτε σε ευρώ ή δολάρια ΗΠΑ, θα λάβετε ένα σταθερό χρηματικό ποσό για τα αγαθά και τις υπηρεσίες σας, αλλά μπορείτε ακόμα να αποκομίσουν όλα τα οφέλη των συναλλαγών Bitcoin.
Οφέλη από την αποδοχή Bitcoin:
Δεν χρέωσης ή απάτη - Κατά την αποδοχή πληρωμών μέσω Bitcoin CoinGate, οι συναλλαγές είναι μη αναστρέψιμη. Αυτό σας επιτρέπει να δεχθεί με ασφάλεια τις πληρωμές, ακόμη και από τις λεγόμενες χώρες «υψηλού κινδύνου», όπως η Νιγηρία ή την Ουκρανία.
Προστασία της ιδιωτικής ζωής των πελατών σας - να πληρώσει με Bitcoins, οι πελάτες σας δεν χρειάζεται να αποκαλύψει οποιεσδήποτε προσωπικές πληροφορίες σε εσάς, εκτός αν το ζητήσετε. Αυτό προστατεύει την ιδιωτική ζωή των πελατών σας και να κάνει την κλοπή ταυτότητας αδύνατη, επειδή δεν χρειάζεται να αποθηκεύσετε και να προστατεύσει τις ιδιωτικές πληροφορίες, όπως στοιχεία πιστωτικών καρτών, των πελατών σας.
Πρόσθετη ροή νέων πελατών - υπάρχουν αρκετά δισεκατομμύρια άνθρωποι στον κόσμο χωρίς τραπεζικό λογαριασμό ή πιστωτική κάρτα, αλλά πολλοί από αυτούς τους ανθρώπους να έχουν πρόσβαση στο internet, το οποίο είναι το μόνο που χρειάζεται για να είναι σε θέση να χρησιμοποιούν Bitcoin. Για εκείνους τους ανθρώπους Bitcoin αν η μόνη μέθοδος πληρωμής που διατίθενται για την αγορά αγαθών και υπηρεσιών από διεθνείς εμπόρους σε απευθείας σύνδεση.
* Παρακαλούμε σημειώστε, ότι λόγω κανονιστικούς λόγους, οι επιχειρήσεις που βρίσκονται ή είναι νηολογημένα στο Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής δεν μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν τις υπηρεσίες μας. *
Κατεβάστε PrestaShop plugin:
Πώς να εγκαταστήσω:
Αν έχετε απορίες, μη διστάσετε να ρωτήσετε εδώ ή επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στην ιστοσελίδα μας: https://coingate.com

#12885 Acceptera Bitcoin betalning med PrestaShop plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:44 PM in Moduler och mallar för PrestaShop, fri och betalas lösningar

CoinGate möjliggör för företag att acceptera Bitcoin betalningar enkelt och säkert med hjälp av en API, betalningsknappar, eller plugins för olika e-handel plattformar.
Våra stöds eCommerce plattformar: PrestaShop, Magento en och 2, Open, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, Zencart, WHMCS och VirtueMart.
Vi tar bara 1% av det överförda beloppet, och det finns inga månatliga, registrerings- eller andra avgifter.
Du kan ta emot utbetalningar i EUR, USD eller Bitcoin utan extra kostnad.
Om du väljer att få betalt i euro eller dollar, får du en fast summa pengar för dina varor och tjänster, men du kan fortfarande dra alla fördelar av Bitcoin transaktioner.
Fördelar med att acceptera Bitcoin:
Inga chargeback eller bedrägeri - När acceptera Bitcoin betalningar via CoinGate transaktioner är oåterkallelig. Detta gör det möjligt att på ett säkert sätt ta emot betalningar även från så kallade "högriskländer" som Nigeria eller Ukraina.
Sekretessen för dina kunder - att betala med Bitcoins behöver dina kunder inte behöver lämna ut någon personlig information till dig, om du begär det. Detta skyddar integriteten hos dina kunder och gör identitetsstöld omöjligt, eftersom du inte behöver spara och skydda privat information, såsom kreditkortsuppgifter, dina kunder.
Ytterligare flöde av nya kunder - det finns flera miljarder människor i världen utan ett bankkonto eller ett kreditkort, men många av dessa människor har tillgång till internet, vilket är allt som behövs för att kunna använda Bitcoin. För de människor Bitcoin om den enda betalningsmetod som finns att köpa varor och tjänster från internationella handlare på nätet.
* Observera att på grund av regleringsmässiga skäl, kan företag som ligger eller är registrerade i USA inte använda våra tjänster. *
Hämta PrestaShop plugin:
Hur man installerar:
Om du har några frågor, tveka inte att fråga här eller kontakta oss på vår hemsida: https://coingate.com

#12884 Accepta plata Bitcoin cu PrestaShop plugin [Modul gratuit ce]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:42 PM in Module și template-uri pentru PrestaShop, gratuit și plătit

CoinGate permite companiilor să accepte plăți Bitcoin cu ușurință și în condiții de siguranță, folosind un API, butoane de plată, sau plugin-uri pentru diverse platforme de comerț electronic.
Platformele noastre susținute de eCommerce: PrestaShop, Magento 1 și 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZENCART, WHMCS, și. VirtueMart
Noi doar taxa de 1% din suma tranzacționată, și nu există lunar, înregistrare sau alte taxe.
Puteți să primiți plăți în EUR, USD sau Bitcoin, fără costuri suplimentare.
Dacă alegeți să vă fi plătit în EUR sau USD, primiți o sumă fixă ​​de bani pentru bunurile și serviciile, dar vă puteți culege în continuare toate avantajele tranzacțiilor Bitcoin.
Beneficiile de a accepta Bitcoin:
Nu există fraudă sau chargeback - Atunci când acceptă plăți prin intermediul Bitcoin CoinGate, tranzacțiile sunt ireversibile. Acest lucru vă permite să acceptați în siguranță plăți chiar și din așa-numitele țări "cu risc ridicat", precum Nigeria sau Ucraina.
Intimitatea clienților dumneavoastră - pentru a plăti cu Bitcoins, clienții dumneavoastră nu trebuie să dezvăluie informații personale pentru a vă, dacă nu îl solicitați. Aceasta protejează intimitatea clienților dumneavoastră și face imposibilă furtul de identitate, pentru că nu aveți nevoie pentru a salva și de a proteja informații private, cum ar fi datele de card de credit, ale clienților.
Flux suplimentar de clienti noi - există mai multe miliarde de oameni din lume, fără un cont bancar sau un card de credit, dar multe dintre aceste persoane au acces la internet, care este tot ceea ce este necesar pentru a putea utiliza Bitcoin. Pentru acei oameni Bitcoin dacă singura metodă de plată disponibilă pentru a cumpăra bunuri și servicii de la comercianți internaționale on-line.
* Vă rugăm să rețineți, că, din motive de reglementare, întreprinderile localizate sau înregistrate în Statele Unite ale Americii, care nu pot utiliza serviciile noastre. *
Descărcare PrestaShop plugin:
Cum să instalați:
Dacă aveți întrebări, nu ezitați să întrebați aici sau contactați-ne pe site-ul nostru: https://coingate.com

#12882 Godta Bitcoin betaling med PrestaShop plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:39 PM in Gratis og betalt temaer og moduler for PrestaShop

CoinGate lar bedrifter til å akseptere Bitcoin betalinger enkelt og sikkert, ved hjelp av en API, betaling knapper, eller plugins for ulike e-handel plattformer.
Våre støttes eCommerce plattformer: PrestaShop, Magento 1 og 2, Opencart, WooCommerce, oscommerce, ZenCart, whmcs, og VirtueMart.
Vi tar bare 1% fra beløpet overført, og det er ingen måneds, registrering eller andre avgifter.
Du kan motta utbetalinger i EUR, USD eller Bitcoin uten ekstra kostnader.
Hvis du velger å få betalt i euro eller dollar, får du en fast sum penger for varer og tjenester, men du kan fremdeles høste alle fordelene av Bitcoin transaksjoner.
Fordeler med å akseptere Bitcoin:
Ingen tilbakeførsel eller svindel - Når akseptere Bitcoin betalinger via CoinGate, transaksjoner er irreversible. Dette gjør at du kan trygt godta betalinger selv fra såkalte "høy risiko" land som Nigeria eller Ukraina.
Sikringen av dine kunder - å betale med Bitcoins, trenger kundene ikke å avsløre noen personlig informasjon til deg, med mindre du ber om det. Dette beskytter personvernet til kundene og gjør identitetstyveri umulig, fordi du ikke trenger å lagre og beskytte privat informasjon, som kredittkortopplysninger, for dine kunder.
Ekstra strøm av nye kunder - det er flere milliarder mennesker i verden uten en bankkonto eller et kredittkort, men mange av dem har tilgang til internett, som er alt som trengs for å kunne bruke Bitcoin. For dem Bitcoin hvis den eneste betalingsmåten er tilgjengelig til å kjøpe varer og tjenester fra internasjonale selgere på nettet.
* Vær oppmerksom på at på grunn av regulatoriske årsaker, bedrifter lokalisert eller registrert i USA kan ikke bruke våre tjenester. *
Last ned PrestaShop plugin:
Hvordan installere:
Hvis du har noen spørsmål, gjerne spørre her eller kontakt oss på vår hjemmeside: https://coingate.com

#12881 Sprejmi Bitcoin plačilo z PrestaShop plugin [Proste Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:36 PM in Modulov in predloge, brezplačno in plačano

CoinGate omogoča podjetjem, da sprejemajo plačila Bitcoin enostavno in varno uporabo API, plačilne gumbe, ali dodatke za različne elektronskem platformah.
Naši podpira elektronskem platforme: PrestaShop, Magento 1 in 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, Zencart, Whmcs in VirtueMart.
Mi zaračuna samo 1% od zneska, ki se opravljajo, in ne obstajajo mesečne, registracija ali druge pristojbine.
Lahko prejemali plačila v EUR, USD ali Bitcoin brez dodatnih stroškov.
Če se odločite, da se plača v EUR ali USD, ki jih prejme določen znesek denarja za blago in storitve, vendar še vedno lahko izkoristijo vse prednosti Bitcoin transakcij.
Prednosti sprejema Bitcoin:
Ni vračila zneska ali goljufije - Pri sprejemu plačila Bitcoin preko CoinGate, transakcije so nepopravljive. To vam omogoča, da varno sprejemajo plačila tudi iz tako imenovanih držav "z visokim tveganjem", kot Nigeriji ali Ukrajine.
Zasebnost svoje stranke - za plačilo z Bitcoins, vaše stranke ne bi bilo treba razkriti osebne podatke za vas, razen če to zahtevajo. Ta varuje zasebnost svojih strank in omogoča krajo identitete nemogoče, saj vam ni treba shraniti in zaščititi osebne podatke, kot so podatki o kreditnih karticah, za vaše stranke.
Dodatne tok novih strank - obstaja več milijard ljudi na svetu brez bančnega računa ali kreditne kartice, vendar mnogi od teh ljudi, ki imajo dostop do interneta, ki je vse, kar je potrebno, da bi lahko uporabila Bitcoin. Za tiste ljudi, Bitcoin, če je edini način plačila na voljo za nakup blaga in storitev iz mednarodnih trgovcev na spletu.
* Prosimo, upoštevajte, da zaradi zakonskih razlogov, podjetja, ki se nahajajo ali registrirane v Združenih državah Amerike, se ne more uporabljati naše storitve. *
Naložite Prestashop vtičnik:
Kako namestiti:
Če imate kakršnakoli vprašanja, vas prosimo, da vprašati tukaj ali nam pišite na naši spletni strani: https://coingate.com

#12880 Accepter Bitcoin betaling med PrestaShop plugin [Gratis Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:23 PM in Moduler og skabeloner - gratis og betalt

CoinGate giver virksomheder til at acceptere Bitcoin betalinger nemt og sikkert, ved hjælp af en API, betaling knapper, eller plugins til forskellige eCommerce platforme.
Vores understøttede eCommerce platforme: PrestaShop, Magento 1 og 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, Zencart, WHMCS, og VirtueMart.
Vi opkræver kun 1% fra det pågældende beløb, og der er ingen månedlige, registrering eller andre gebyrer.
Du kan modtage udbetalinger i EUR, USD eller Bitcoin uden yderligere omkostninger.
Hvis du vælger at få udbetalt i EUR eller USD, modtager du en fast sum penge for dine varer og tjenester, men du kan stadig høste alle fordelene ved Bitcoin transaktioner.
Fordele ved at acceptere Bitcoin:
Ingen tilbageførsel eller svig - Når acceptere Bitcoin betalinger via CoinGate, transaktioner er irreversible. Dette giver dig mulighed for sikkert at modtage betalinger selv fra såkaldte "højrisiko" lande som Nigeria eller Ukraine.
Privacy af dine kunder - til at betale med Bitcoins, behøver dine kunder ikke at videregive personlige oplysninger til dig, medmindre du beder om det. Dette beskytter privatlivets fred for dine kunder og gør det umuligt identitetstyveri, fordi du ikke behøver at gemme og beskytte private oplysninger, såsom kreditkortoplysninger, dine kunder.
Yderligere strøm af nye kunder - der er flere milliarder mennesker i verden uden en bankkonto eller et kreditkort, men mange af disse mennesker har adgang til internettet, som er alt, hvad der er nødvendigt for at kunne bruge Bitcoin. For de mennesker, Bitcoin hvis den eneste betalingsmetode til rådighed til at købe varer og tjenesteydelser fra internationale købmænd online.
* Bemærk, at på grund af lovgivningsmæssige årsager, kan virksomheder, som ligger eller er registreret i USA ikke bruge vores tjenester. *
Hent PrestaShop plugin:
Sådan installerer du:
Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at spørge her eller kontakt os på vores hjemmeside: https://coingate.com

#12879 Akceptovat Bitcoin platbu PrestaShop pluginem [volný Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:20 PM in moduly a šablony, bezplatné a placené

CoinGate umožňuje podnikům snadno a bezpečně přijímat platby Bitcoin, pomocí rozhraní API, platební tlačítka nebo zásuvné moduly pro různé e-commerce platformy.
Naše podporované eCommerce platformy: PrestaShop, Magento 1 a 2, Opencart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS a VirtueMart.
Účtujeme pouze 1% z částky pojišťovnou, a nejsou tam žádné měsíční, registrační či jiné poplatky.
Můžete přijímat platby v EUR, USD nebo Bitcoin bez dodatečných poplatků.
Rozhodnete-li se dostat zaplaceno v EUR nebo USD, dostanete pevnou částku peněz pro své zboží a služby, a přesto stále můžete využívat všechny výhody Bitcoin transakce.
Výhody přijetí Bitcoin:
Žádné chargeback nebo podvodu - Při přijímání plateb prostřednictvím Bitcoin CoinGate, transakce jsou nevratné. To umožňuje bezpečně přijímat platby i z takzvaných zemí "s vysokým rizikem", jako je Nigérie nebo na Ukrajině.
Soukromí svých zákazníků - platit Bitcoins, vaši zákazníci nemusejí zveřejňovat žádné osobní údaje pro vás, pokud o to požádají. To chrání soukromí svých zákazníků a dělá krádež identity nemožné, protože vy nemusíte ukládat a chránit soukromé informace, jako jsou údaje o kreditní kartě, vašich zákazníků.
Dodatečné tok nových klientů - existuje několik miliard lidí na světě bez bankovního účtu nebo kreditní karty, ale mnoho z těchto lidí má přístup k internetu, což je vše, co je zapotřebí, aby bylo možné používat Bitcoin. Pro ty lidi Bitcoin případě, že jediný způsob platby k dispozici ke koupi zboží a služby z mezinárodních obchodníků online.
* Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že vzhledem k regulačních důvodů, podniky se nacházejí nebo registrované ve Spojených státech amerických nemohou využít našich služeb. *
Ke stažení PrestaShop plugin:
Jak nainstalovat:
Máte-li jakékoli dotazy, neváhejte se zeptat zde nebo nás kontaktujte na našich webových stránkách: https://coingate.com

#12878 Accepteer Bitcoin betaling met PrestaShop plugin [Gratis Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 01:17 PM in Thema's en modules, gratis en betaalde

CoinGate stelt bedrijven in staat om Bitcoin betalingen gemakkelijk en veilig te accepteren, met behulp van een API, betaling knoppen, of plugins voor verschillende e-commerce platforms.
Onze ondersteund eCommerce platforms: PrestaShop, Magento 1 en 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS en VirtueMart.
Wij rekenen slechts 1% van het overgemaakte bedrag, en er zijn geen maandelijkse, registratie of andere vergoedingen.
U kunt uitbetalingen in EUR, USD of Bitcoin ontvangen zonder extra kosten.
Als u ervoor kiest om betaald te krijgen in EUR of USD, ontvangt u een vast bedrag van geld voor uw goederen en diensten, maar u kunt nog steeds profiteren van alle voordelen van Bitcoin transacties.
Voordelen van het aanvaarden van Bitcoin:
Geen terugboeking of fraude - Bij de aanvaarding van Bitcoin betalingen via Coingate, transacties zijn onomkeerbaar. Zo kunt u veilig accepteren betalingen zelfs van zogenaamde "hoog risico" landen als Nigeria en Oekraïne.
Privacy van uw klanten - te betalen met Bitcoins, doe uw klanten niet aan enige persoonlijke informatie aan u, tenzij u het verzoek. Dit beschermt de privacy van uw klanten en maakt identiteitsdiefstal onmogelijk, omdat je niet nodig om op te slaan en de bescherming van privé-informatie, zoals credit card gegevens van uw klanten.
Extra stroom van nieuwe klanten - er zijn verschillende miljard mensen in de wereld zonder een bankrekening of een creditcard, maar veel van die mensen hebben toegang tot internet, die alles wat nodig is om te kunnen Bitcoin gebruiken. Voor die mensen Bitcoin als de enige betaalmethode beschikbaar om goederen en diensten te kopen van internationale handelaren online.
* Houd er rekening mee, dat als gevolg van wettelijke redenen, bedrijven gevestigd of geregistreerd in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika kan niet onze diensten te gebruiken. *
Download PrestaShop plugin:
Hoe installeren:
Als u vragen hebt, voel je vrij om hier te vragen of neem contact met ons op onze website: https://coingate.com

#12877 Aceitar pagamento Bitcoin com o plugin PrestaShop [Módulo gratuito]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 12:57 PM in Módulos e modelos, gratuitos e pagos soluções

CoinGate permite que as empresas aceitem pagamentos Bitcoin facilmente e com segurança, usando uma API, botões de pagamento, ou plugins para várias plataformas de comércio eletrônico.
Nossas plataformas de eCommerce suportadas: PrestaShop, Magento 1 e 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS e VirtueMart.
Cobramos apenas 1% do valor negociado, e não há taxas mensais, de registro ou outras.
Você pode receber pagamentos em EUR, USD ou Bitcoin sem custos adicionais.
Se você optar por receber o pagamento em EUR ou USD, você receberá uma quantia fixa de dinheiro para seus produtos e serviços, mas ainda assim poderá colher todos os benefícios das transações Bitcoin.
Benefícios da aceitação do Bitcoin:
Sem cobrança ou fraude - Ao aceitar pagamentos Bitcoin via CoinGate, as transações são irreversíveis. Isso permite que você com segurança aceitar pagamentos, mesmo de países chamados "de alto risco" como a Nigéria ou a Ucrânia.
Privacidade de seus clientes - para pagar com a Bitcoins, seus clientes não precisam divulgar nenhuma informação pessoal para você, a menos que você a solicite. Isso protege a privacidade de seus clientes e torna o roubo de identidade impossível, porque você não precisa salvar e proteger informações privadas, como dados de cartão de crédito de seus clientes.
Fluxo adicional de novos clientes - existem vários bilhões de pessoas no mundo sem uma conta bancária ou um cartão de crédito, mas muitas dessas pessoas têm acesso à internet, que é tudo o que é necessário para poder usar o Bitcoin. Para essas pessoas Bitcoin se o único método de pagamento disponível para comprar bens e serviços de comerciantes internacionais on-line.
* Por favor, note que, por razões regulamentares, as empresas localizadas ou registradas nos Estados Unidos da América não podem usar nossos serviços. *
Faça o download do plugin PrestaShop:
Como instalar:
Se você tiver alguma dúvida, não hesite em perguntar aqui ou entre em contato conosco no nosso site: https://coingate.com

#12876 Akzeptieren Bitcoin Zahlung mit PrestaShop Plugin [Freies Modul]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 12:52 PM in Module und Templates, kostenlose und kostenpflichtige Lösungen

CoinGate ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Bitcoin-Zahlungen einfach und sicher zu akzeptieren, mit Hilfe einer API, Zahlknöpfe oder Plugins für verschiedene E-Commerce-Plattformen.
Unsere unterstützten eCommerce-Plattformen: PrestaShop, Magento 1 und 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS und VirtueMart.
Wir berechnen nur 1% vom geleisteten Betrag, und es gibt keine monatlichen, Anmelde- oder sonstigen Gebühren.
Sie können Auszahlungen in EUR, USD oder Bitcoin ohne zusätzliche Gebühren erhalten.
Wenn Sie in EUR oder USD bezahlt werden, erhalten Sie einen festen Geldbetrag für Ihre Waren und Dienstleistungen, doch können Sie noch alle Vorteile von Bitcoin-Transaktionen ernten.
Vorteile der Annahme Bitcoin:
Keine Rückbuchung oder Betrug - Bei der Übernahme von Bitcoin-Zahlungen über CoinGate sind die Transaktionen irreversibel. Auf diese Weise können Sie Zahlungen auch aus so genannten Ländern mit hohem Risiko wie Nigeria oder Ukraine sicher akzeptieren.
Privatsphäre Ihrer Kunden - um mit Bitcoins zu bezahlen, müssen Ihre Kunden keine persönlichen Daten an Sie weitergeben, es sei denn, Sie fordern sie an. Dies schützt die Privatsphäre Ihrer Kunden und macht den Identitätsdiebstahl unmöglich, da Sie keine privaten Daten wie Kreditkartendaten Ihrer Kunden speichern und schützen müssen.
Zusätzlicher Fluss von neuen Kunden - es gibt mehrere Milliarden Menschen auf der Welt ohne ein Bankkonto oder eine Kreditkarte, aber viele dieser Leute haben Internet-Zugang, die alles, was erforderlich ist, um Bitcoin verwenden zu können. Für die Menschen Bitcoin, wenn die einzige Zahlungsmethode zur Verfügung, um Waren und Dienstleistungen von internationalen Händlern online zu kaufen.
* Bitte beachten Sie, dass aus regulatorischen Gründen, Unternehmen oder registriert in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika nicht unsere Dienste nutzen können. aufrechtzuerhalten.
PrestaShop-Plugin herunterladen:
Wie installiert man:
Wenn Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, fühlen Sie sich frei zu fragen, hier oder kontaktieren Sie uns auf unserer Website: https://coingate.com

#12875 Akceptuj płatności Bitcoin z wtyczki PrestaShop [Moduł Free]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 12:49 PM in Moduły i szablony, darmowe oraz płatne

CoinGate umożliwia firmom akceptuje płatności Bitcoin łatwo i bezpiecznie, przy użyciu API, przyciski płatności lub wtyczek dla różnych platform e-commerce.
Nasze obsługiwane platformy e-commerce: PrestaShop, Magento 1 i 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, osCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS i VirtueMart.
Ładujemy tylko 1% od kwoty transakcji, i nie ma co miesiąc, rejestracji lub innych opłat.
Możesz otrzymywać wypłaty w EUR, USD lub Bitcoin, bez dodatkowych opłat.
Jeśli zdecydujesz się zarabiać w EUR lub USD, to otrzymuje stałą kwotę pieniędzy dla swoich towarów i usług, ale nadal można czerpać wszystkie korzyści płynące z transakcji Bitcoin.
Korzyści z przyjmowania Bitcoin:
Brak obciążenia zwrotnego lub oszustwa - przy przyjmowaniu płatności Bitcoin poprzez CoinGate transakcje są nieodwracalne. Dzięki temu można bezpiecznie przyjmować płatności nawet z tak zwanych "wysokiego ryzyka" krajach jak Nigeria czy Ukraina.
Bezpieczeństwo Twoich klientów - płacić Bitcoins, klienci nie muszą ujawniać żadnych danych osobowych ci, jeśli o to poprosisz. To chroni prywatność swoich klientów i sprawia, że ​​kradzież tożsamości niemożliwe, ponieważ nie ma potrzeby, aby zapisać i ochrony prywatnych informacji, takich jak dane kart kredytowych, wśród swoich klientów.
Dodatkowy strumień nowych klientów - istnieje kilka miliardów ludzi na świecie nie ma konta bankowego lub karty kredytowej, ale wiele z tych osób ma dostęp do Internetu, który jest wszystkim, co jest potrzebne, aby móc korzystać z Bitcoin. Dla tych ludzi Bitcoin jeśli jedyna metoda płatności dostępna do zakupu towarów i usług od zagranicznych sklepów internetowych.
* Należy pamiętać, że ze względów prawnych, firm zlokalizowanych lub zarejestrowanymi w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki, nie mogą korzystać z naszych usług. *
Pobierz wtyczkę PrestaShop:
Jak zainstalować:
Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania, nie wahaj się poprosić tutaj lub skontaktować się z nami na naszej stronie internetowej: https://coingate.com

#12874 Accetta pagamenti Bitcoin con PrestaShop plug-in [Modulo libero]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 12:45 PM in Moduli e temi, gratuiti ea pagamento

CoinGate consente alle aziende di accettare pagamenti Bitcoin modo semplice e sicuro, utilizzando un'API, pulsanti di pagamento, o plugin per diverse piattaforme e-commerce.
Le nostre piattaforme eCommerce supportate: PrestaShop, Magento 1 e 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, osCommerce, Zencart, WHMCS, e VirtueMart.
Il costo è solo l'1% dal l'importo della transazione, e non ci sono mensili, registrazione o altre tasse.
È possibile ricevere i pagamenti in EUR, USD o Bitcoin senza costi aggiuntivi.
Se si sceglie di essere pagato in euro o in dollari, si riceve un importo fisso di denaro per i vostri beni e servizi, ma è ancora possibile trarre tutti i vantaggi di transazioni Bitcoin.

Vantaggi di accettare Bitcoin:
Nessun chargeback o frode - Quando ad accettare pagamenti tramite Bitcoin CoinGate, le transazioni sono irreversibili. Ciò permette di accettare pagamenti in modo sicuro anche da paesi cosiddetti "ad alto rischio" come la Nigeria o l'Ucraina.
Privacy dei vostri clienti - a pagare con Bitcoin, i clienti non hanno di rivelare qualsiasi informazione personale a voi, a meno che non lo si richiede. Questo protegge la privacy dei propri clienti e rende impossibile il furto di identità, perché non è necessario per salvare e proteggere le informazioni private, come i dati delle carte di credito, dei vostri clienti.
Ulteriori flusso di nuovi clienti - ci sono diversi miliardi di persone nel mondo senza un conto bancario o una carta di credito, ma molte di queste persone hanno accesso a internet, che è tutto ciò che è necessario per essere in grado di usare Bitcoin. Per quelle persone Bitcoin se l'unico metodo di pagamento è possibile acquistare beni e servizi da mercanti internazionali on-line.
* Si prega di notare, che a causa di ragioni normative, le aziende si trovano o registrati negli Stati Uniti d'America non possono utilizzare i nostri servizi. *
Scarica PrestaShop plugin:
Come installare:
Se avete domande, non esitate a chiedere qui o contattarci sul nostro sito web: https://coingate.com

#12858 Acepte los pagos de Bitcoin con el complemento de PrestaShop [Módulo gratuito]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 12:40 PM in Modulos y temas gratuitos + pagos para Prestashop

CoinGate permite a las empresas aceptar pagos Bitcoin de forma fácil y segura, utilizando una API, botones de pago o complementos para varias plataformas de comercio electrónico.
Nuestras plataformas de eCommerce soportadas: PrestaShop, Magento 1 y 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS y VirtueMart.
Cobramos solamente el 1% de la cantidad tramitada, y no hay honorarios mensuales, de registro u otros.
Puede recibir pagos en EUR, USD o Bitcoin sin cargos adicionales.
Si elige recibir el pago en EUR o USD, recibirá una cantidad fija de dinero por sus bienes y servicios, pero todavía puede obtener todos los beneficios de las transacciones de Bitcoin.
Beneficios de aceptar Bitcoin:
Sin devolución o fraude - Al aceptar pagos de Bitcoin a través de CoinGate, las transacciones son irreversibles. Esto le permite aceptar pagos de manera segura incluso de países llamados de "alto riesgo" como Nigeria o Ucrania.
Privacidad de sus clientes - para pagar con Bitcoins, sus clientes no tienen que revelar ninguna información personal a usted, a menos que usted lo solicite. Esto protege la privacidad de sus clientes y hace que el robo de identidad sea imposible, ya que no es necesario guardar y proteger información privada, como los datos de tarjetas de crédito, de sus clientes.
Flujo adicional de nuevos clientes - hay varios miles de millones de personas en el mundo sin una cuenta bancaria o una tarjeta de crédito, pero muchas de esas personas tienen acceso a Internet, que es todo lo que se necesita para poder usar Bitcoin. Para esas personas Bitcoin si el único método de pago disponible para comprar bienes y servicios de los comerciantes internacionales en línea.
* Tenga en cuenta que debido a razones reglamentarias, las empresas ubicadas o registradas en los Estados Unidos de América no pueden utilizar nuestros servicios. *
Descargar el complemento de PrestaShop:
Cómo instalar:
Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en preguntar aquí o en contacto con nosotros en nuestro sitio web: https://coingate.com

#12857 Accepter les paiements Bitcoin avec le plugin PrestaShop [Module gratuit]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 12:36 PM in Modules & Thèmes gratuits, payants

CoinGate permet aux entreprises d'accepter les paiements Bitcoin facilement et en toute sécurité, en utilisant une API, des boutons de paiement ou des plugins pour diverses plates-formes de eCcommerce.
Nos plateformes eCommerce supportées: PrestaShop, Magento 1 et 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS et VirtueMart.
Nous ne facturons que 1% du montant traité, et il n'y a pas de frais mensuels, d'inscription ou autres.
Vous pouvez recevoir des paiements en EUR, USD ou Bitcoin sans frais supplémentaires.
Si vous choisissez d'être payé en EUR ou USD, vous recevez un montant fixe d'argent pour vos biens et services, mais vous pouvez toujours profiter de tous les avantages des transactions Bitcoin.
Avantages d'accepter Bitcoin:
Pas de contre-remboursement ou de fraude - En acceptant les paiements Bitcoin via CoinGate, les transactions sont irréversibles. Cela vous permet d'accepter en toute sécurité des paiements même de pays dits «à haut risque» comme le Nigeria ou l'Ukraine.
Confidentialité du client - à payer avec Bitcoins, vos clients n'ont pas à divulguer de renseignements personnels à vous, à moins que vous ne le demandiez. Cela protège la confidentialité de vos clients et rend le vol d'identité impossible, car vous n'avez pas besoin d'enregistrer et de protéger les informations privées, telles que les données de carte de crédit, de vos clients.
Flux de clients supplémentaires - il ya plusieurs milliards de personnes dans le monde sans un compte bancaire ou une carte de crédit, mais beaucoup de ces personnes ont accès à Internet, qui est tout ce qui est nécessaire pour pouvoir utiliser Bitcoin. Pour ces personnes Bitcoin si le seul moyen de paiement disponible pour acheter des biens et services de marchands internationaux en ligne.
* S'il vous plaît noter que, pour des raisons de réglementation, les entreprises situées ou enregistrées aux États-Unis d'Amérique ne peuvent pas utiliser nos services. *
Télécharger le plugin PrestaShop:
Comment installer:
Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à demander ici ou à nous contacter sur notre site Web: https://coingate.com

#12841 Accept Bitcoin payments with PrestaShop plugin [Free Module]

Posted by CoinGate on 15 November 2016 - 12:19 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

CoinGate enables businesses to accept Bitcoin payments easily and safely, using an API, payment buttons, or plugins for various eCommerce platforms.
Our supported eCommerce platforms: PrestaShop, Magento 1 and 2, OpenCart, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, ZenCart, WHMCS, and VirtueMart.

We charge only 1% from the amount transacted, and there are no monthly, registration or other fees.


You can receive payouts in EUR, USD or Bitcoin without additional charges.


If you choose to get paid in EUR or USD, you receive a fixed amount of money for your goods and services, yet you can still reap all the benefits of Bitcoin transactions.



Benefits of accepting Bitcoin:
No chargeback or fraud - When accepting Bitcoin payments via CoinGate, transactions are irreversible. This allows you to safely accept payments even from so-called “high risk” countries like Nigeria or Ukraine.
Customer privacy - to pay with Bitcoins, your customers do not have to disclose any personal information to you, unless you request it. This protects the privacy of your customers and makes identity theft impossible, because you don’t need to save and protect private information, such as credit card data, of your customers.
Additional client flow - there are several billion people in the world without a bank account or a credit card, but many of those people have internet access, which is all that is needed to be able to use Bitcoin. For those people Bitcoin if the only payment method available to buy goods and services from international merchants online.
* Please note, that due to regulatory reasons, businesses located or registered in the United States of America can not use our services. *

Download PrestaShop plugin:
How to install:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or contact us on our website: https://coingate.com